Change title of right bar button item
bryanbartow opened this issue · 3 comments
bryanbartow commented
It'd be nice if a string property was exposed that allowed us to change the title of the "Mail" button. For example, I'd like to change it to "Send".
rizumita commented
If you create own CTFeedbackLocalizable.strings files in your app, you can change strings in CTFeedback.
gmogames commented
Hi @rizumita , I've created the CTFeedbackLocalizable file, translated in 3 languages that my app has, but it is not being recognized by the code and the localization doesn't work.
Any suggestions on how to include localization for other languages?
rizumita commented
- Install CTFeedback by hand into your project and create language resource named 'CTFeedbackLocalizable.strings'.
- Or fork this repository and add resources and install by CocoaPods with your forked repository.
- Or create a pull request with new resources and I'll merge it.