
With dynamically loaded content, resizing should occur on new content when it is loaded

rjpeterson opened this issue · 7 comments

With dynamically loaded content, resizing should occur on new content when it is loaded

Maybe a solution would be to record the length of the DOM each time on scan. If length has changed, recall getTextElems and getLangElems.

Currently solved using brute force method, could use some more finesse.

I love Ryan's app in every way except I seem to have to manually mouse over to the addon/extension icon every new page I load.

I'm not sure if this is part of the same enhancement request posted here to issue 5 but it seems related at least. Is this the way it is meant to work, you have to click the icon every page?

I didn't see a native way to add a keyboard shortcut to it either (in firefox at least), that would have been enough for me; automatically increasing size by default makes more intuitive sense to me, granted, maybe I'm unusual that it always seems too hard to read.

The problem you are referring to about having to click the icon every time you load a new page is a result of the way Chrome & Firefox extension permissions are set up. In order to allow the extension to automatically resize every time a new page is loaded, I would have to change the permissions to allow the extension to see and modify all the user's browser activity. Though I understand it is annoying to click the icon every time, with me being an amateur developer who is not super well-versed in security best practices, giving the extension unrestricted access to the user's browser is not a risk I particularly want to take.

I agree that adding a hotkey to activate the resize function would be a good compromise so I am adding that as issue #82 to be added in a subsequent release.

As a temporary measure in the meantime, Chrome users can set their own shortcuts to activate the popup as described here: https://obie.ai/blog/how-to-add-and-remove-custom-keyboard-shortcuts-and-hotkeys-for-a-chrome-extension-in-5-seconds-flat/

@NeedAboutTreeFiddy Hotkeys have been added to the most recent release 0.2.6 which is currently available for Firefox, but still under review for Chrome.

version 0.2.6 is now available in the chrome webstore