
Apache Kafka session By Zareef Ahmed

Primary LanguageShell


Day Topics & Subtopics Time Allocation
Day 1 Introduction to Event-Driven Architecture 4 hours
- What is Event-Driven Architecture? 1 hour
- Benefits and Challenges of Event-Driven Architecture 1 hour
- Key Components and Patterns 2 hours
Day 2 Overview of Apache Kafka 4 hours
- What is Apache Kafka? 1 hour
- Core Components of Kafka: Producers, Consumers, Brokers, Topics 1 hour
- Kafka Ecosystem and Common Use Cases 2 hours
Day 3 Deep Dive into Apache Kafka 4 hours
- Kafka Architecture and Internal Workflow 1 hour
- Setting up Kafka Environment (Installation & Configuration) 1 hour
- Basic Operations: Creating Topics, Publishing, and Subscribing 2 hours
Day 4 Advanced Kafka Features 4 hours
- Kafka Streams and Kafka Connect 1 hour
- Advanced Configurations and Tuning Kafka for Performance 1 hour
- Kafka Security (Authentication and Authorization) 2 hours
Day 5 Overview of Red Hat OpenShift Application Services 4 hours
- Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift 1 hour
- Key Features of OpenShift Application Services 1 hour
- Integrating Kafka with OpenShift 2 hours
Day 6 Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka 4 hours
- Introduction to OpenShift Streams for Kafka 1 hour
- Creating and Managing Kafka Clusters on OpenShift Streams 1 hour
- Monitoring and Scaling Kafka Clusters 2 hours
Day 7 Connecting Applications to Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka 4 hours
- Basics of Connecting Applications 1 hour
- Practical Examples and Hands-on 2 hours
- Troubleshooting Common Issues 1 hour
Day 8 Schema Management using Red Hat OpenShift Service Registry 4 hours
- What is Schema Management? 1 hour
- Setting up and Using OpenShift Service Registry 1 hour
- Best Practices in Schema Evolution 2 hours
Day 9 Continuation: Schema Management using Red Hat OpenShift Service Registry 4 hours
- Advanced Use Cases and Integration Patterns 2 hours
- Hands-on Workshop: Implementing Schema Management 2 hours
Day 10 Review and Project Work 4 hours
- Recap of Key Concepts Covered 1 hour
- Group Project: Implementing a Complete Kafka Solution on OpenShift 3 hours