
Access for compiling and installing Astroberry_focuser driver on RPi4

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I would like to use the astroberry_focuser driver with A4988 motor driver on my RPi4, which I already use with kstars/ekos to drive my telescope and cameras. The RPi4 has Ubuntu 20.04 OS.
I tried to follow the instructions in the readme file to compile your driver but I had to register to Gihub to access to astroberry-dyi through <git clone https://github.com/rkaczorek/astroberry-diy.git> (it asks username and password) and once this done, the access was still not permitted because it has new dongle access.
I am a real beginner in using github software and installing it on my RPi4.

How can I add the astroberry_focuser driver running on Ubuntu 20.04 to my indi library ?
Thanks for the support,
Best regards,
Pierre Cevey

Hi Pierre, it is public repository so you don't need any password to access it.

First attempt on my PC asked me dongle access as mentioned . Second attempt worked perfectly fine directly on my Raspberry.
Sorry for the disturbance.
Thanks !