
No driver for ZWO AM5 mount

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indi_lx200am5 missing from astroberry distro. The driver assigned by Ekos gets an error, 'Could not get date format from mount', which leads to incorrect date formats, which leads to Ekos being unable to slew the mount.

I have updated via apt update & upgrade

Have you updated again ? The issue is the AM5 is blinking red/green meaning it is not synchronized to the date/time/utc and maybe the location thru EKOS. The WORK AROUND solution is to use the simple AM5 app and just connect, nothing more is necessary to synch the AM5. Now start KSTARS/EKOS , check the AM5 mount profile and the date/time/utc will be correct. Apparently EKOS doesn’t communicate this information from Astroberry to the AM5 but notice EKOS does read the AM5 firmware version so you know the USB connection is working. By the way 3.6.3 on Ubuntu does not have this problem.