
Better interoperability between 32 and 64-bit numerical types by using implicit casts conversions

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



  • Because I don't need explicit casts to Double if I am expecting a Double.
  • 5 + 5.0 should return a Double
  • Because of the confirmed bugs on 32bit, you can't currently do CGPoint(x: 23.5, y:99) I'd suggest using VectorArithmetic for that.
  • Because Double is only a CGFloat on 64bit, so you can't do this on 32 bit:
let myHeight = 34.5
let myWidth = 100.23
let sizeOfWindow = CGSize(width:myWidth, height:myHeight) 
let myDouble:Double = sizeOfWindow.height // .height is a CGFloat
let isLargerThan = 213.3 > sizeOfWindow.width // 213.3 is a Double

//You can now compare or do mathematical operations on the following: 
    var doubleValue:Double      = 5.0
    var cgFloatValue:CGFloat    = 5.0
    var intValue:Int            = 5
    var int16Value:Int16        = 5
    var int32Value:Int32        = 5
    var int64Value:Int64        = 5
    var uInt16Value:UInt16      = 5
    var uInt32Value:UInt32      = 5
    var uInt64Value:UInt64      = 5


Takes care of operators for interacting between different types of scalars. This library makes it easier to compare to Int, Float and CGFloat regardless of architecture.

This also makes implicit casts to Double or CGFloat for arguments or variables that takes either types.

var myDouble = 2.0 will give you a Double and you'd want to use that with other types.

Since CGFloat is not a Double on 32bit, it becomes hard to use CGGeometry and frameworks like CoreGraphics or SpriteKit. This library makes it a little easier and hopefully Apple takes care of it soon.

Works on both Mac OS and iOS.

Math Functions

Many people disagreed with the global math functions being used as properties. I was on the fence on that one because I didn't want to write over them for 32 bit. However now that implicit casts are in place. This works on 32bit.

let yay = abs(2.0)


If you end up using ScalarArithmetic in a project, I'd love to hear about it.

email: seivan.heidari@icloud.com
twitter: @seivanheidari


ScalarArithmetic is © 2014 Seivan and may be freely distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE.md file.