
Proof-of-concept obfuscation toolkit for C# post-exploitation tools

Primary LanguagePython


Proof-of-concept obfuscation toolkit for C# post-exploitation tools. This will perform the below actions for a C# visual studio project.

  • Change the tool name
  • Change the project GUID
  • Obfuscate compatible strings in source code files based on obfuscation method entered by user
  • Removes one-line comments (e.g. // this is a comment)
  • Remove PDB string option for compiled release .NET assembly

Blog Post: https://securityintelligence.com/posts/invisibility-cloak-obfuscate-c-tools-evade-signature-based-detection

String Candidates Not Obfuscated

The below string candidates are not included in obfuscation

  • Strings less than 3 characters
  • Strings using string interpolation (e.g., Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}! Today is {date.DayOfWeek}, it's {date:HH:mm} now.");)
  • Case statements as they need to be static values
  • Const vars as they need to be static values
  • Strings in method signatures as they need to be static values
  • Line with " => " as used in switch statement and needs to be static value.
  • is in an if statement when doing comparison as the values compared must be static
  • Strings within Regexes
  • Override strings as they need to be static values
  • The below random edge cases for strings, as they have caused issues when encoding/decoding
    • String starting with or ending with '
    • ""' in the line
    • + @" in the line
    • """ in the line
    • "" in the line
    • Encoding.Unicode.GetString in the line
    • Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes in the line
    • Line starting with " and ending with ")]. This is typically used for command line switches and needs to be static value.

Support Information

  • Windows
  • Linux (Debian-based systems)
  • Python3


  • -d, --directory - directory where your visual studio project is located
  • -m, --method - obfuscation method (base64, rot13, reverse)
  • -n, --name - name of your new tool
  • -h, --help - help menu
  • --version - get version of tool


Run InvisibilityCloak with string obfuscation

Base64 String Obfuscation

python InvisibilityCloak.py -d /path/to/project -n "TotallyLegitTool" -m base64

python InvisibilityCloak.py -d C:\path\to\project -n "TotallyLegitTool" -m base64

ROT13 String Obfuscation

python InvisibilityCloak.py -d /path/to/project -n "TotallyLegitTool" -m rot13

python InvisibilityCloak.py -d C:\path\to\project -n "TotallyLegitTool" -m rot13

Reverse String Obfuscation

python InvisibilityCloak.py -d /path/to/project -n "TotallyLegitTool" -m reverse

python InvisibilityCloak.py -d C:\path\to\project -n "TotallyLegitTool" -m reverse

Run InvisibilityCloak without string obfuscation

python InvisibilityCloak.py -d /path/to/project -n "TotallyLegitTool"

python InvisibilityCloak.py -d C:\path\to\project -n "TotallyLegitTool"

Signature-Based Detection Statistics

The below table shows the signature-based detection statistics between the unobfuscated and obfuscated versions of 20 popular public C# tools with InvisibilityCloak.

This is specifically for Microsoft Defender (free version), and accurate as of April 4th, 2022.

Tool Link Unobfuscated Obfuscated w/ InvisibilityCloak
ADCSPwn https://github.com/bats3c/ADCSPwn Detected Not Detected
Certify https://github.com/GhostPack/Certify Detected Detected
Farmer https://github.com/mdsecactivebreach/Farmer Detected Not Detected
Rubeus https://github.com/GhostPack/Rubeus Detected Detected
SafetyKatz https://github.com/GhostPack/SafetyKatz Detected Not Detected
Seatbelt https://github.com/GhostPack/Seatbelt Detected Not Detected
SharpClipboard https://github.com/slyd0g/SharpClipboard Not Detected Not Detected
SharPersist https://github.com/mandiant/SharPersist Not Detected Not Detected
SharpExec https://github.com/anthemtotheego/SharpExec Detected Not Detected
SharpGPOAbuse https://github.com/FSecureLABS/SharpGPOAbuse Detected Not Detected
SharpHound https://github.com/BloodHoundAD/SharpHound Not Detected Not Detected
SharpLogger https://github.com/djhohnstein/SharpLogger Detected Not Detected
SharpMove https://github.com/0xthirteen/SharpMove Detected Not Detected
SharpRDP https://github.com/0xthirteen/SharpRDP Detected Detected
SharpSecDump https://github.com/G0ldenGunSec/SharpSecDump Detected Not Detected
SharpUp https://github.com/GhostPack/SharpUp Not Detected Not Detected
SharpView https://github.com/tevora-threat/SharpView Detected Not Detected
SharpWMI https://github.com/GhostPack/SharpWMI Detected Not Detected
StandIn https://github.com/xforcered/StandIn Detected Not Detected
WireTap https://github.com/djhohnstein/WireTap Detected Not Detected

Compiled C# Tool Size Statistics

The below table shows the file sizes of 20 popular public C# tools between the unobfucated and obfuscated versions using InvisibilityCloak with various string obfuscation methods.

Tool Link Unobfuscated ROT13 String Obfuscation Base64 String Obfuscation Reverse String Obfuscation
ADCSPwn https://github.com/bats3c/ADCSPwn 718 KB 728 KB 722 KB 720 KB
Certify https://github.com/GhostPack/Certify 170 KB 198 KB 178 KB 176 KB
Farmer https://github.com/mdsecactivebreach/Farmer 13 KB 17 KB 14 KB 13 KB
Rubeus https://github.com/GhostPack/Rubeus 418 KB 605 KB 469 KB 455 KB
SafetyKatz https://github.com/GhostPack/SafetyKatz 714 KB 716 KB 948 KB 715 KB
Seatbelt https://github.com/GhostPack/Seatbelt 543 KB 904 KB 618 KB 608 KB
SharpClipboard https://github.com/slyd0g/SharpClipboard 6 KB 7 KB 6 KB 7 KB
SharPersist https://github.com/mandiant/SharPersist 231 KB 281 KB 248 KB 243 KB
SharpExec https://github.com/anthemtotheego/SharpExec 30 KB 57 KB 36 KB 34 KB
SharpGPOAbuse https://github.com/FSecureLABS/SharpGPOAbuse 70 KB 98 KB 79 KB 76 KB
SharpHound https://github.com/BloodHoundAD/SharpHound 880 KB 897 KB 885 KB 883 KB
SharpLogger https://github.com/djhohnstein/SharpLogger 19 KB 27 KB 20 KB 20 KB
SharpMove https://github.com/0xthirteen/SharpMove 41 KB 100 KB 50 KB 49 KB
SharpRDP https://github.com/0xthirteen/SharpRDP 322 KB 346 KB 326 KB 325 KB
SharpSecDump https://github.com/G0ldenGunSec/SharpSecDump 42 KB 55 KB 45 KB 43 KB
SharpUp https://github.com/GhostPack/SharpUp 35 KB 50 KB 40 KB 39 KB
SharpView https://github.com/tevora-threat/SharpView 719 KB 856 KB 742 KB 738 KB
SharpWMI https://github.com/GhostPack/SharpWMI 53 KB 92 KB 62 KB 61 KB
StandIn https://github.com/xforcered/StandIn 162 KB 294 KB 197 KB 189 KB
WireTap https://github.com/djhohnstein/WireTap 282 KB 292 KB 285 KB 284 KB


Below is what the output would look like when running the tool.


Below is the difference in Seatbelt between unobfuscated and then obfuscated version with InvisibilityCloak against Microsoft Defender using Defender Check.
