
win 10 don't exist SymbolicLink item

Closed this issue · 6 comments

path = subKey.GetValue("SymbolicLink").ToString();
throw an error.

Can you fix it in Win10?

rkone commented

I don't have a USB printer available to test with now. Can you paste your registry data for the HLKM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\{guid}\##?#USB#VID_0A5F* key?

same with me, under win10 can't using

        //TODO: Query registry for specific printer only instead of enumeration.
        Dictionary<string, string> plist = EnumDevices();
        if (plist.ContainsKey(PrinterName))
            this.interfaceName = plist[PrinterName];
            throw new Exception("Cannot locate USB device");

Will u fix it?thx

can't print Chinese. thx

rkone commented

Hi macleo,
I will update the EPL functions to support specifying the codepage for character encoding. It looks like you want to use 936 for Chinese (traditional is 950).
I will look into the win10 USB printing issue shortly.

rkone commented

I've shared a new version that fixes the USBPrinter issue. Please open a new ticket if you encounter further issues.

thank you rkone, I pull try it.