- 1
One image in test data
#13 opened by mishimario - 1
Data percentage
#14 opened by mishimario - 1
Requesting for pre-trained model
#12 opened by DeepaliVerma - 8
Help finding the dataset
#1 opened by arundasan91 - 4
corrupted image in the dataset
#10 opened by segalinc - 2
Help finding the dataset!
#11 opened by missyun125 - 2
- 4
- 1
Emotic CNN training setup question
#8 opened by Tandon-A - 7
How to do a single image inference ?
#2 opened by GKalliatakis - 7
EMOTIC Baseline CNN model question
#4 opened by lexiwzx - 2
What is the mAP when you use normal backbone like resnet34 and normal data sampling?
#6 opened by Sampson-Lee - 2
- 1
CNN models
#3 opened by saxenarohit