
Error extracting mission information

IdefixRC opened this issue · 3 comments


I have some issues with DATIS.
DCS log shows DATIS is loading, however:
2021-06-20 08:51:23.617 INFO [DATIS]: Loaded
2021-06-20 08:51:53.812 ERROR [DATIS]: Start Error: error converting Lua nil to table

DATIS log:
2021-06-20T16:47:12.800374900+08:00 ERROR datis - Error extracting mission information: error converting Lua nil to table

What could be the reason? Thanks !

Same here but only on the "updated" Syrian Map.

Hummer as Static with "ATIS Kutaisi 251.000" as name
A-10C for the player


On caucasus:

2021-06-21T16:31:11.232547100+02:00 INFO datis - Starting DATIS version 3.1.0 ...
2021-06-21T16:31:11.232565+02:00 INFO datis - Using SRS Server port: 5002
2021-06-21T16:31:11.239552+02:00 INFO datis::mission - ATIS Stations:
2021-06-21T16:31:11.239572700+02:00 INFO datis::mission - - Kutaisi (Freq: 251000000, Voice: Windows built-in TTS (Voice: "Zira"))
2021-06-21T16:31:11.240014300+02:00 INFO datis::mission - No Carrier stations found
2021-06-21T16:31:11.240473400+02:00 INFO datis::mission - No custom Broadcast stations found
2021-06-21T16:31:11.240891900+02:00 INFO datis::mission - No weather stations found
2021-06-21T16:31:11.241297200+02:00 INFO datis - Resuming ...
2021-06-21T16:31:39.262812800+02:00 INFO datis - Pausing ...
2021-06-21T16:31:43.130072200+02:00 INFO datis - Stopping ...

On Syria with Cyprus:

2021-06-21T16:34:31.928882200+02:00 INFO datis - Starting DATIS version 3.1.0 ...
2021-06-21T16:34:31.928905700+02:00 INFO datis - Using SRS Server port: 5002
2021-06-21T16:34:31.930189100+02:00 ERROR datis - Error extracting mission information: error converting Lua nil to table

fals du missonen brauchs schicke ich sie dir gern

To add: my initial report was from the syria map as well. Have not yet tested on other maps

rkusa commented

Thanks for the reports! Nicosia is the offending airfield, which is missing runway data. I've updated DATIS to be fine with missing runway data. I'll release a new version later today.


With the upcoming fix, you'll still see an error log, but the station is going work nevertheless. This is the error log that will stay for now:

2021-06-22T16:15:15.698677800+02:00 ERROR datis_core::station - Could not find active runway for Nicosia