
findById in passport.deserializeUser returns null after redirect.

TotallWAR opened this issue · 3 comments

When i login first time - its ok. I can login and ctx.isAuthorized is true. After that im doing a redirect to '/personalArea' where into the method i check again ctx.isAuthorized and here its always false - deserealize method starts, however findById alwaus return null. I think its problems with session, however sessionId is stored and i have documents into my session collection in DB. What can it be?
I have next login method:

exports.login = async(ctx, next) => {
  try {
    let user = new User(ctx.request.body);
    let hashObject = hash.saltHashPassword(user.password);
    //сохраняем хэш и соль
    user.password = hashObject.passwordHash;
    user.provider = 'local';
    user.salt = hashObject.salt;
    let result = await ctx.login(user);
    ctx.state.user = user;
    if (ctx.isAuthenticated()) {
    } else {
  } catch (e) {
    ctx.throw(500, e.message);

Next ser and deser methods:

passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {
    console.log('ser:', user)
    done(null, user);

  passport.deserializeUser((id, done) => {
    (async() => {
      try {
        const user = await User.findById(id);
        console.log("des: user", user);
        done(null, user);
      } catch (error) {

Redirect to method:

exports.renderPersonalArea = async(ctx) => {
  try {
    if (ctx.isAuthenticated()) {
      ctx.type = 'html';
      var body = await fs.readFileSync('public/views/personalArea.html', 'utf8');
      ctx.body = body.replace('{csrfToken}', ctx.csrf);
    } else {
  } catch (e) {
    ctx.throw(404, "Not Found");

my app config is next:

module.exports = (app, csrf) => {
  // sessions
  const convert = require('koa-convert')
  const session = require('koa-generic-session')
  const MongoStore = require('koa-generic-session-mongo')

  app.keys = ['lala']
  // required for passport session
    secret: 'lala',
    saveUninitialized: true,
    resave: true,
    // using store session on MongoDB using express-session + connect
    store: new MongoStore({
      url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/investArtquant',
      collection: 'sessions'
  // body parser
  const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser')

  const auth = require('./auth/auth.js')();
  const passport = require('koa-passport')
  // csrf
    invalidStatusCode: 403,
    invalidTokenMessage: 'Invalid CSRF token',
    ignoreMethods: ['GET', 'OPTIONS', 'POST'],
    ignorePaths: [],
    secretLength: 16,
    saltRounds: 10
  const routes = require('./route.config.js');
  //const routeConfig = require('../config/route.config.js')(app, passport);
  const router = routes(app, passport);

  // const serve = require('koa-static');
  // //serve files in public folder(css, js etc)
  // app.use(serve(__dirname + '/../public'));

  var serve = require('koa2-static-files');
  app.use(serve.static(__dirname + '/../public'));

And in ctx.state i dont have user. HOWEVER I ALWAYS HAVE CSRF THERE. So i think troubles with passport middlware.

rkusa commented


since you say deserializeUser is called, lets focus on the following lines

const user = await User.findById(id);
console.log("des: user", user);

What is the value of id, which is passed to findById?

rkusa commented

Feel free to reopen the issues if you have additional details

Sorry for not replying!
I had a mistake in deserialize method's param. Param 'id' at this method was an object, but not an id, so i couldnt deserealize correctly.