
actually lower peak loads in peak load window

jakobgemassmer opened this issue · 0 comments

The strategy peak_load_window tries to not raise the peak load within given peak load time windows. Only if necessary (because of standing time and desired_soc) this peak load is raised.

Stationary batteries however offer the opportunity to actually lower the peaks in the peak load time windows. Therefore the should charge as much as possible outside of the windows and lower the peak in the next peak load time window: as low as possible.

If however in time window 1 the peak load was lowered to 20 kW, it is not necessary to further lower the peak load in the next time windows lower than 20 kW (since 20 kW is now the power for which the capacity charge has to be paid). A distinction only needs to be made if the simulation includes two different years, as the capacity charge is always paid for the highest performance peak in a year.