
Hardcoding the API Key

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This is awesome. I was playing around with it to try and hardcode my API key into my own branch, I got openai.error.AuthenticationError: Incorrect API key provided, and then that key seems to die so I need to create a new one to get it to work.

I am a bit of a newbie to dev with a reasonable understanding of python.

I tried to populate the key in the text box, hard code it, and put it in a txt file, getting the same issue.

Is their a specific way of hardcoding an API key (assuming maybe having to hash it)?

Basically, I am just trying to create a project where I don't have to enter my API key in every time (I've forked to my Streamlit).

Any suggestions would be awesome.

yes, just set it as an environment variable for local testing:

in the app, you can then remove the check for the user-supplied API key in this line: