
Color mixing / Attribute not working in Render

TeroBlaek opened this issue · 2 comments

System Information

**Blender version 3,2.0
**FLIP Fluids Version: e05e1e369187
**Operating System: Windows 10

Describe the bug

Using the new color mixing feature, mix showing up in viewport but not in render. Render showing up as black liquid.

To Reproduce

After switching the viewport quick display settings to preview from final the bug started.



rlguy commented

Hi, thanks for the report!

Due to a current bug in Blender, rendering attributes within the Blender interface can result in frequent crashes or incorrect renders, usually where the attributes are not rendered at all (issue #541).

At the moment the only known workaround is to render from the command line.

There are tools in the FLIP Fluids sidebar menu to help automatically launch a command line render for an animation or single frame:


Does rendering from the command line this solve the issue?

If this does not solve the issue, please attach or link to a .blend file that reproduces the issue and we would be glad to check it out for any issues.

rlguy commented

Closing this issue due to inactivity. We'll assume this is a duplicate of #541 for now (where cmd rendering is required), but if this is not the case, let us know and we can re-open the issue.