
simulation breaks after deleting inflow

MrMage750 opened this issue · 1 comments

Blender Version: (3.6)
FLIP Fluids Version: 1.7.0
Operating System: windows 11
CPU: Intel(R) core (TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60 GHz
GFX: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
RAM: 16 GB

deleting an inflow or possibly another flipfluids item will break the simulation, permanently greying out the "stop/continue" and "free cache" buttons

  1. create flipfluids domain and at least 1 inflow
  2. delete an inflow object during or after the simulation has baked
  3. realize you wasted 76 USD on an addon that isn't put together properly

remove an inflow to replace with a new one

the simulation broke completely

just now realized that deleting/removing all flipfluids items refreshes the system and fixes it, regardless, this should be looked into