
Error Baking Fluid Simulation: `Cannot find fluid engine libraries: <libblpyfluiddebug.dll> <libblpyfluidrelease.dll>` after building from source

rgri opened this issue · 3 comments

System and Blend File Information

Blender Version: 3.6.1, blender-v3.6-release, 2023-07-17 12:50, 8bda729ef4dc
Addon Version: A FLIP Fluid Simulation Tool for Blender (v1.7.1 GitHub Release 25-JUL-2023)
OS: Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.0 Core Profile Context
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
CPU Threads: 16
RAM: Unknown 32 GB

Blender Binary: C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.6\blender.exe
Addon Path: C:\Users\rjgri\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\flip_fluids_addon
Cycles Device: N/A
Viewport Modes: SOLID
Objects: 5
FLIP Objects: 2
FLIP Domains: Cube.001 <scene: Scene>
Obstacle Objects: 0
Fluid Objects: 1 <Export Animated: 0> <Skip Re-export: 0>
Inflow Objects: 0
Outflow Objects: 0
Force Objects: 0
Cache Path: C:\Users\rjgri\scratch\org.attach\1f\52cdc6-2784-4c24-ad27-d32504b2b3c8\fliptest_flip_fluid_cache
Cache Exists: True
Cache Logs: 0
Simulation Visibility: <Viewport: Enabled> <Render: Enabled>
Surface Visibility: <Viewport: DISPLAY_FINAL> <Render: DISPLAY_FINAL>
Whitewater Visibility: N/A
Enabled Features: Default
Enabled Attributes: N/A
Lock Interface: Enabled
Cycles Persistent Data: Disabled
Developer Tools: Disabled
Mixbox Plugin: Not Installed
Enabled Addons: FLIP Fluids 1.7.1

Describe the bug

Clicking "Bake" in any FLIP fluid domain yields the error Cannot find fluid engine libraries:, missing the .dlls:

  • <libblpyfluiddebug.dll>
  • <libblpyfluidrelease.dll>

To Reproduce

Provide descriptive instructions for how to reproduce the issue or how to use your .blend file.

FLIP Fluids cloned from master (rev) and built with Python 3.9.12, make 4.2.1, cmake 3.16.3.
Toy blend file.
Just click "Bake" in the FLIP Fluid Simulation physics properties on Cube.001.

Expected Behaviour

There is no error, the simulation bakes.

Actual Behaviour

A description of what actually happened.
Cannot find fluid engine libraries: <libblpyfluiddebug.dll> <libblpyfluidrelease.dll>. See system console for error info.



Hi, it looks like the addon has not been completely compiled. The fluid engine libraries are generated after compiling the program and should be located at build\bl_flip_fluids\flip_fluids_addon\pyfluid\lib\libblpyfluidrelease.dll and build\bl_flip_fluids\flip_fluids_addon\pyfluid\lib\libblpyfluiddebug.dll.

Please note that this issue tracker is only meant for issues/bugs related to the marketplace version of the FLIP Fluids addon. We are also unable to provide support for building and diagnosing issues related to building the addon on the wide range of systems, system setups, and builder experience.

Build/compile instructions can be found here: https://github.com/rlguy/Blender-FLIP-Fluids#building

If you are looking for a more detailed process building the addon on Windows, this is a good post by HDRMaps: https://hdrmaps.com/compiling-flip-fluids-add-on-on-windows/

We also have a free demo version of the addon that is pre-compiled here: https://github.com/rlguy/Blender-FLIP-Fluids/wiki/FLIP-Fluids-Demo-Addon

been trying to fix the same issue for the past 40 minutes.... any updates or do i need to sell a kidney for the market version?

Hi @BlackPaw21, feel free to add me on Discord at shortcut5449 and I can help you get it running.

As Ryan mentioned, this is not actually an issue- it is just caused by trying to build the addon for Windows, from Linux.