
Mix feature not working as expected

blorkie9074 opened this issue · 1 comments

System Information

Blender Version (including hash):
FLIP Fluids Version: 1.6.0
Operating System: Windows 11 Pro 64-bit 22621.2134
CPU: Ryzen 7 5700 G
GFX: Nvidia RTX 3060 ti
RAM: 64 GB 3200

Describe the bug

I have a number of cubes that I'm using as fluid objects, they are all different colors and should be mixing together. However, after baking several times, checking and rechecking settings, the flip_color attribute is still blank. (Completely black.)

Color attributes are enabled. The first time I made it I enabled it from the fluid objects, but I know this isn't the issue because I re-made the entire simulation using the "correct" order of domain first then fluid, but it still doesn't work

Developer Tools are enabled

Using Geometry attribute type with color output

I'm using RGB instead of Mixbox

To Reproduce

Bake simulation with low resolution, such as 65 starting on frame 270. Note the blank color of the fluid_surface material.

Expected Behaviour

I would expect the color of the fluid to match the attributes that I assigned to each of the fluid cubes. It should mix together and be a color that matches the other objects in the scene that I already have.

Actual Behaviour

The attribute doesn't show any data, it's just black. No matter what attribute settings I use, it doesn't work. I created a new blend file from scratch, and made a test simulation using a basic cube and two icosphere inflows. It worked fine, I have no idea why it wouldn't work in this other project.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


Hi, thanks for the report! I just had a chance to take a look at the Blend file and just a few adjustments need to be made:

  1. Make sure that the mesh display is set to 'Final'. Attributes aren't supported on the Preview display mesh.
  2. You'll also need to set the Attribute node type to the default 'Geometry' so that the correct data is used in the shader.
  3. You may also want to update to the latest FLIP Fluids v1.7.1 which fixes a bug that can cause attributes not to load correctly and can result in fully or partially black attributes on the surface mesh. This issue does not affect all simulation setups or systems, but is just something to watch out for if you experience this type of issue.


Hope this info helps!