
IndexError: bpy_prop_collection[index]: index 3 out of range, size 1

PavelBlend opened this issue · 2 comments

System and Blend File Information

Blender Version: 3.6.7, blender-v3.6-release, 2023-12-11 16:28, cbd81f283d58
Addon Version: A FLIP Fluid Simulation Tool for Blender (v1.7.3 Release 24-NOV-2023)
OS: Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7560D ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.13399 Core Profile Context 15.200.1062.1004
CPU: AMD A8-5600K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
CPU Threads: 4
RAM: 16 GB

Blender Binary: C:\progs\blender\blender-3.6.7-windows-x64\blender.exe
Addon Path: C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\flip_fluids_addon
Renderer: CYCLES
Cycles Device: CPU
Viewport Modes: Unknown
Objects: 4
FLIP Objects: 2
FLIP Domains: Cube <scene: Scene>
Obstacle Objects: 0
Fluid Objects: 1 <Export Animated: 0> <Skip Re-export: 0>
Inflow Objects: 0
Outflow Objects: 0
Force Objects: 0
Cache Path: C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\flip\untitled1_flip_fluid_cache
Cache Exists: True
Cache Logs: 4
Simulation Visibility: <Viewport: Enabled> <Render: Enabled>
Surface Visibility: <Viewport: DISPLAY_FINAL> <Render: DISPLAY_FINAL>
Whitewater Visibility: N/A
Enabled Features: Default
Enabled Attributes: N/A
Lock Interface: Enabled
Cycles Persistent Data: Disabled
Developer Tools: Enabled
Mixbox Plugin: Installed
Enabled Addons: XRay Engine Tools, FLIP Fluids 1.7.3

Describe the bug

I ran the simulation and saw an error in the console:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\flip_fluids_addon\operators\preferences_operators.py", line 1089, in get_system_info_dict
    for area in bpy.data.screens[3].areas:
IndexError: bpy_prop_collection[index]: index 3 out of range, size 1

To Reproduce

I don't know when this error appeared. I accidentally saw it in the console when I was reading baking statistics.

I think I understand when the error occurs. It appears when I save a blend file (ctrl+S).

Thanks for the report!

This error shouldn't cause any problems, but we can avoid this error in a future update (FLIP Fluids 1.7.4 or later, release TBA). The cause of this error is that the addon is trying to find information about the viewport shading mode, but this information is not always available. This can be fixed by handling the case where the viewport screen is not available.

This has been fixed in FLIP Fluids version 1.7.4 which is now available.