
Incomplete report generation (Missed 90% of the folders)

elephantchau opened this issue · 4 comments

Serious bug that leads to incomplete generation of the report.
Tested with a partition of a disk, using the root drive letter as the query folder.
Even top layer folders (under root, E:) were missing. Some folders inside that top layer folders were also missing.
Those folder names are quite short, and in English characters.
xxxx files in xxx folders (xxx GB) -> All incorrect and mostly missing

Hello. Thank you for reporting this. Are you able to investigate this further? Can you see a pattern in the missing contet?

If you know c# perhaps you can clone the repo and debug? Any help is appreciated!

I performed some tests and identified an issue related to the settings where both 'Include hidden items' and 'Include system items' checkboxes were checked. Upon unchecking both checkboxes, the missing folders reappeared. It is worth noting that unchecking the 'Include' checkbox caused the folders to reappear, indicating the presence of a bug.

The reappearing folders were completely normal, non-hidden, and it's not a system folder. They contain simple media files or even nothing (empty folder)

Furthermore, I observed a discrepancy between the reported size in gigabytes (GB) and the actual storage occupied by the folders, even the folders reappeared. I expected the GB size in the report to match the properties of the folder when right-clicking on the folder and selecting 'Properties.' Similarly, the 'Used space' attribute displayed in the drive's properties should align with the report, but it does not.

Whole partition used X% -> Report showed 99% of the X%
Single Folder containing hidden .git folder used Y% -> Report showed around 93% of the Y%
Single Folder containing pure media files showed accurate % of storage being used

It is unclear if the first bug, affecting the counting of hidden/system files, contributed to the accuracy issue observed in the second problem.

I appreciate your prompt response and the dedication you put into maintaining the project. Resolving the accuracy issue would make me genuinely grateful and allow me to fully enjoy your product. Thank you!

This is interesting. There are other people that have reported issues with not seeing all files/folders but I have never been able to re-create it.

I am going on a trip and won't be able to respond for a week or so. After the trip I will have a look at the code and see if I can find the problem!