
even darker brightness & specific color

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qu-rn commented

I want to dim my neopixel display as much as possible.
As brightness is still to bright when setting contrast to "1" with


Can I dim the brightness even more when I've already set contrast to "1"?

Do I have a possibility to change the color in an other way than with the limited amount of presets, e.g.

draw.point((x, y), fill="red")

I'd love to enter a specific rgb value, resulting in a darker red with a lower number (e.g. 100,0,0). This would also solve my first problem.

Can I change the color to a specific rgb value?


Yes, you can use an RGB triple instead of passing a color name. See https://github.com/rm-hull/luma.led_matrix/blob/master/examples/neopixel_demo.py#L172 for example.

Note that the draw canvas is just a pillow ImageDraw instance, so you can manipulate it any way pillow allows you to.