
matrix_demo does not light up leds

uwe42 opened this issue · 3 comments

uwe42 commented


i am in the process of getting my project started, but hit a wall and could need some help.
I am running a raspberry pi zero with the latest debian server os and would like to controll a 32x8 matrix with 4 max7219.

What i have done so fare:

  • activated spi via sudo raspi-config
  • installed python3-dev, python3-pip
  • updated pip sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade --ignore-installed pip setuptools
  • installed lumz.led_matrix sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade luma.led_matrix
  • installed the matrix with the help of pinout and luma.led_matrix/issues/160
  • cloned this repo

Type of Raspberry Pi

Not all Pi's are equal at the hardware level - what works on one, might not work on the next.
This library has been tested on every variant except the RPi3.

Raspberry Pi Zero wh

Linux Kernel version

Paste in the output from running uname -a at the command line on your Pi.

Linux raspberrypi 5.4.72+

Expected behaviour

Add a few concise notes about what you are expecting to happen.
Even better, if you paste in a code sample that demonstrates what you want to achieve.

if run python3 matrix_demo.py --cascaded=4 --block-orientation=90
the demo starts running, but the leds are all of (no python errors no stacktrace).

I am not sure which part is not working correct, python -> gpio -> spi -> leds and could need some help to figure this out.

always start with double checking cabling/soldering. can you post some pictures?

uwe42 commented


No soldering so fare, i used the cable that came with the disply. The 5V connector is on the second pin from the top on the pi, this gets lost in the img.

i have used the zerro wh with pre soldered gpio, so i could start without soldering.

This isn't wired up correctly, this is how it should be:
Pin-Name RPI Pin Function
1-VCC 2 or 4 5V0 power
2-GND 6 Gnd
3-DIN 19 GPIO 10 (MOSI)
4-CS 24 GPIO 8 (SPI CS0)
5-CLK 23 GPIO 11 (SPI CLK)

You have connected DIN and CS to the wrong pins.