

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Firstly thanks for taking the time to file an issue. Chances are, you are not the first (and
wont be the last) to have this problem: By creating a public issue, others can browse and
solve their issues - possibly in a self-service style - just by reading the discourse on your
ticket, so try and be clear in the describing the problem you have.

Secondly, github issues are not just for raising problems - if you have a question, a
documentation fix, or suggested improvement, please get in touch.

Type of Raspberry Pi

Not all Pi's are equal at the hardware level - what works on one, might not work on the next.
This library has been tested on every variant except the RPi3.

Linux Kernel version

Paste in the output from running uname -a at the command line on your Pi.

Expected behaviour

Add a few concise notes about what you are expecting to happen.
Even better, if you paste in a code sample that demonstrates what you want to achieve.

Actual behaviour

Now add some details about what actually happened - if there is an unexpected crash, paste in the
traceback info.