Full-Stack Developer | HTML | CSS | Javascript | React | Redux | NodeJS | Express | SQL | Git| SEQUELIZE
Pinned Repositories
100 Days of ML Coding
30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace.
30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace.
30 Days of React challenge is a step by step guide to learn React in 30 days. It requires HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge. You should be comfortable with JavaScript before you start to React. If you are not comfortable with JavaScript check out 30DaysOfJavaScript. This is a continuation of 30 Days Of JS. This challenge may take more than 100
Curso de preparación challenger henry
Properties and You es una plataforma web innovadora que tiene como objetivo facilitar la búsqueda y publicación de propiedades inmobiliarias. Nuestra plataforma proporcionará a los usuarios una experiencia fluida y eficiente al buscar y encontrar el inmueble perfecto que se adapte a sus necesidades
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