
[RELOCATED ⛔️] Typescript definitions for JSONAPI.org standard schema

Primary LanguageTypeScript

[RELOCATED ⛔️] ts-json-api

NOTICE: This project has moved. Visit its new home here.

A collection of TypeScript interfaces and classes for working with JSONAPI.org-standard requests/responses.


There library supports JSONAPI standard in all its variations. Therefore, there are a number of interfaces you may find useful.


This is the main interface. It works with any acceptable combination of ResponseWithData, ResponseWithErrors, & ResponseWithMeta. If you need to target specifc response types, it is recommend you use those more specific interfaces (covered below).

See also: ResponseWithData, ResponseWithErrors, and ResponseWithMeta.


This represents a single ResourceObject in a JSONAPI response. See also: ResourceObjects and ResourceObjectOrObjects.

Other interfaces

Due to JSONAPI's nested structure, it is constructed of a decent number of individual pieces. We recommend taking a look at src/structure.ts for reference. Should you need to target more specific pieces of a response, it should be pretty self-explanitory.

Example Interface usage

import { Relationship, ResourceObject, Response } as JsonApi from 'ts-json-api';

interface Article extends ResourceObject {
    type: 'articles';
    attributes: {
        title: string;
    relationships: {
        author: Relationship<Person>;
        comments: Relationship<Comment[]>;

type ArticleItemResponse = Response<Article>;
type ArticleCollectionResponse = Response<Article[]>;

interface Person extends ResourceObject {
    type: 'people';
    attributes: {
        'first-name': string;
        'last-name': string;
        twitter: string;

interface Comment extends ResourceObject {
    type: 'comments';
    attributes: {
        body: string;

The ApiResourceObject class

ts-json-api provides an ResourceObject class that is helpful for acessing Resource Object data and updating it in an immutable way. All functions on the ApiResourceObject class will return a new ResourceObject, unaffecting the original.

Example Usage

import { ApiResourceObject } from 'ts-json-api';

const exampleInput = {
    "type": "articles",
    "id": "1",
    "attributes": {
      "title": "JSON API paints my bikeshed!"
    "relationships": {
      "author": {
        "links": {
          "self": "http://example.com/articles/1/relationships/author",
          "related": "http://example.com/articles/1/author"
        "data": { "type": "people", "id": "9" }
      "comments": {
        "links": {
          "self": "http://example.com/articles/1/relationships/comments",
          "related": "http://example.com/articles/1/comments"
        "data": [
          { "type": "comments", "id": "5" },
          { "type": "comments", "id": "12" }
    "links": {
      "self": "http://example.com/articles/1"

const article = new ApiResourceObject(exampleInput);

// "articles"

// "1"

/// {
///     "title": "JSON API paints my bikeshed!"
/// }

// "JSON API paints my bikeshed"

const updatedArticle = article.update({ title: "New Title" });

// "New Title"

// "JSON API paints my bikeshed"
// > NOTE: The original `article` is not affected

 * Relationships
const relationships = article.relationships();

// "9"
// Note that all relationship(s)-fetching methods return ResourceObject/ResourceObjects representing those relationship objects

// "5", "12"

// "9"

// You "add" a relationship when the relationship represents a collection (ie. comments).
const updatedArticle = article.addRelationship('comments', 'comments', '432');
const updatedArticle = article.addRelationship('comments', CommentResourceObject);

// You "set" a relationships when the relationship represents a single item (ie. author)
const updatedArticle = article.setRelationship('editor', 'people', '123');
const updatedArticle = article.setRelationship('editor', PeopleResourceObject);

// You can also remove a relationship
const updatedArticle = article.removeRelationship('comments', '9');

 *  Other helpful methods

// Helpful for posting to an API and/or working with other libraries

// Maybe your API call doesn't want to include relationship info

Utility Functions

This package exposes all of its useful utility functions. Documentation is coming, but feel free to browse around src/fp. All functions are curried for all you functional programming geeks.