Clone it and run yarn install.
Secondly, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
BIG DISCLAIMER: First of all, if you need a UI reference, please refer to or my current web page at This project does contain almost zero styling.
The API provided is not restful. It doesn't contain an ID to identifiy each object. It doesn't allow for a specific search of a question and so on and so forth. This has led to a very weird antipattern case, where I assign the index of the element as a way to uniquely identify it, a sort of way to give it an ID. This is important because I couldn't use the question itself and slugify it to create a routing mechanism, because also the questions themselves were random, it would be rather weird.
This is, indeed, the main reason why I didn't use a modern approach, such as ReactQuery or SWR to cache the request and minimize the store usage. Either Redux was sort of an overkill, I however find the new hook design pattern rather ammeable so there's no harm done.
No particular focus was given to the UI as no spec was present to such. I implemented rather the possibility for the user to edit their answer, considering a better UX. One could go further and let them see their current answe before submiting and so on so forth, but this should be enough.