Colors too dark for it be "Nord" themed in Nvim
dylode opened this issue · 6 comments
Hi there,
I'm just a beginner trying to setup nvim. I have installed your theme but for me the colors feel to dark:
I'm using Alacritty, I use the same background color / theme you provide and there the blue feels good, like the nord theme. However if you look at nvim it's too dark. I have explicitly set the background hex color to same as in Alacritty but they are not the same. What am I missing?
Alright I have switched to Kitty terminal and there the colors are fine. I'm fine to switch but I leave this issue open maybe someone will know why the colors are different in Alacritty
Hi! That's strange, this is what a clean install of Alacritty looks like for me:
Maybe you have another theme that is overwriting the colors or something? Could you check
to see if that's the case?
Hi there. it does not look like something is overriding anything. The same config works with Kitty.
gives back onenord
and :hi
a lot of stuff. I checked some of the highlights and they are the same as in my highlight overrides.
I have my dotfiles pushed here: would appreciate it if you can check it out.
If i put disable.background to true the background is the correct blue, but I guess that makes the background transparent? the hightlights are still not correct though. Seems like Alacritty handles colors in a strange way?
Okay so I tried your dotfiles and I still can't reproduce the issue. This is what a clean install on Alacritty looks like for me:
Yeah disabling the background means that it will take the background from your terminal which seems to be the right color in the screenshot you sent but it wont fix the other highlights.
For :hi
I should have been more specific, I mean like doing :hi Normal
for example to check that the background (without disable.background = true
) is the right hex code.
Okay so I tried your dotfiles and I still can't reproduce the issue. This is what a clean install on Alacritty looks like for me:
Yeah disabling the background means that it will take the background from your terminal which seems to be the right color in the screenshot you sent but it wont fix the other highlights.
I should have been more specific, I mean like doing:hi Normal
for example to check that the background (withoutdisable.background = true
) is the right hex code.
Normal xxx guifg=#C8D0E0 guibg=#2e3440
It does work correctly when I don't use tmux in Alacritty though. If I remove
I have fixed it by adding the following to tmux.conf
set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc"