
[Enterprise] GraphqlController errors

jeperkins4 opened this issue · 3 comments

After upgrading to Enterprise GraphQL, we now receive the following error in multiple places within our Rails monolithic application:

NoMethodError - undefined method `size' for #<ActionController::Parameters {} permitted: true>
      @variables_fingerprint ||= "#{provided_variables.size}/#{Fingerprint.generate(provided_variables.to_json)}"
  app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb:37:in `execute'

Hey, sorry for the trouble and thanks for reporting this! ActionController::Parameters almost works for GraphQL variables, but there are a few cases where it doesn't have the methods that GraphQL-Ruby needs. (Another example is #4941.) To work around this, call .to_unsafe_h on the variables before passing them to .execute, for example:

MySchema.execute(..., variables: params[:variables]&.to_unsafe_h)

Usually, that's not a good way of handling Rails params. But with GraphQL, you can be sure that GraphQL-Ruby will be doing validation during execution. .to_unsafe_h is what rails g graphql:install does:

when ActionController::Parameters
variables_param.to_unsafe_hash # GraphQL-Ruby will validate name and type of incoming variables.

How about giving that a try?

That worked! Thank you so much!

Glad to hear it -- let me know if I can help with anything else!