
ArcticFox 41.0 crashes on Snow Leopard.

largefield-ohara opened this issue · 11 comments

ArcticFox 41.0 crashes when launched from Snow Leopard (macOS 10.6).
The error message is as follows:

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
Referenced from: /Volumes/Arctic Fox/ArcticFox.app/Contents/MacOS/arcticfox
Reason: image not found

libc++ is a library supported since Mavericks (macOS 10.9), so Snow Leopard does not have it.

I'm having the same issue, running Snow Leopard 10.6.8

Exactly the same here. 40.1 is OK.

I do not build on mavericks and I think @wicknix neither. i do a native build on 10.6 and on 10.7.
Are you running the 32bit or 64bit versions? We did different builds from different users.

I wonder if a dependency on MacPorts is left in.... @wicknix do you have the environment coming from macports, do you?

@wicknix I think the issue might be the "copy file" step mentioned in the Distribute step ... do you perform something similar in your builds?

42.0 also did not start on snow leopard, but after installing libc++ using macports, it started. To check the launch, I used arcticfox-42.0.mac64-10.6.dmg in Assets.

Yes, you will need to include libc++.1.dylib and libc++abi.dylib in the .app and then use otool to relink them before you distribute for 10.6 (not required for 10.7). Otherwise users that don't have macports and libc++ installed with just get crashes upon launch.

Indeed, I do not relinked or packaged libc+++ from MacPorts. I will add it as separate file in the future.

I was unable to adapt the TenFourFox link script, because I compile with clang and not gcc, so I do not have libgcc. I'll add a zip with the files for 10.6 64bit in the upcoming 42.1 release. Should be fine for 42.0.

Fixed the issue by installing xcode 3.2.6, macports 2.8.1 and then "sudo port install libcxx".

This is fixed by installing the required libraries, either with macports or with the one provided e.g. here: