
Discussion: multi-resource NFTs

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A common request is multi-resource NFTs.

We should come up with a standard which is backwards compatible with other NFT platforms like Unique or the internft.org standard, while at the same time allowing us to mint NFTs with multiple different resources like videos + thumbnails, or an image gallery, or an image with a 3D model attached that can be rendered in some tools for doing so (even online), etc.

  • Check if internft.org did something on this front
  • Check if there are existing solutions in Ethereum or other blockchains for this
  • Discuss options and ideas, especially considering we have the data field as well which might include info, so we need to accommodate both data from metadata, and data native to the NFT. Alternatively, look into removing support for NFT-native data in favor of IPFS or another decentralized storage solution.