
Using infomas-asl in EE Environment

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello I wonder if this library would work in a Java EE Application Server. I am using your excellent library in a java SE environment and works great. But it doesn't detect annotations in Jboss AS 7.1

This should be working now (see issue 8 and the most recent pull request). However, I have not tested it my self. Please try the code from the trunk. If not working, please report it and state if you use an exploded war or not.
Next week I will test JBoss my self.

I use this code inside a JavaEE application running inside a Glassfish container. I can confirm it works very well !

Yes, i checked Jetty, Tomcat and GlassFish. These enviroments all work as expected. Just added support for WebLogic. See issue #30. Only WildFly/JBoss AS is missing currently, see issue #29