
The goal of this project is to provide a forum for learners to receive feedback on their JavaScript code. It was created based on a belief that receiving, incorporating, and responding to feedback is a key part of gaining experience as a software developer.

This README outlines the guidelines for participating in this project, both for reviews and for people submitting code for review.

This project adheres to the Node code of conduct. If you have questions or concerns, or need to report a code of conduct violation, please email me.

Guidelines for seeking code review

  • Code reviews are only provided for public repositories.
  • Code reviews are only provided for pull requests; at this time, this project does not provide reviews of projects as a whole.
  • Your pull request description should, at a minimum, provide:
    • A brief description of the problem being solved
    • A brief summary of the solution included in the pull request
    • Clear steps for the reviewer to see the code in action
    • A brief discussion covering:
      • how you chose your approach
      • links to reference material you used
      • alternative approaches you considered
      • any questions you have about your approach
  • Once a reviewer indicates they have started reviewing your pull request, feel free to reach out to them directly on the jscodereview Slack.

To request a review, post a link to your pull request in one or more relevant channels in the jscodereview Slack.

Guidelines for providing code review

  • When you begin a review, reach out to the submitter on the jscodereview Slack to let them know.
  • Be nice. If you are not nice you will be asked not to provide future reviews.
  • Read this.
  • Focus on providing guidance, not instructions.

I want to join the project

For now, participation in the project is by invitation. Please email me if you are interested in participating as a submitter or a reviewer.