
Any Updates to this sections ?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Reverse Engineering
Exploit Development

Especially the first 3 :D

Yes, I plan to update all the noted sections. This is a one-person project that I maintain as a free-time thing. I'm not paid and don't receive any compensation for the work I do on this project. Further, I host it on github so that others may be able to provide pull requests with content they would like to see, or feel would help others.
As such, it is a 'when I get around to it'. I do have backlog content for all sections currently, and am planning on making the future backlog public once I get through the current one.

That being said, feel free to make a pull request for any content in any section you might like, always happy to see pull requests.

Keep going bro you are doing great work

Thank you!