
⚙️ ROS 2 packages to drive nanosaur

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🦕 nanosaur_robot

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nanosaur The smallest NVIDIA Jetson dinosaur robot, open-source, fully 3D printable, based on ROS2 & Isaac ROS.

Designed & made by Raffaello Bonghi


Meet nanosaur:


Latest = ROS2 foxy at latest tag released

🏗️ CI latest* foxy galactic
🧠 core Docker Builder CI Docker Builder CI Docker Builder CI
🖼️ perception Docker Builder CI Docker Builder CI Docker Builder CI

🏗️ nanosaur_robot CI nanosaur_robot rebuild

🐳 Docker latest* foxy galactic Pulls
🧠 core Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
🖼️ perception Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls


  • All code is Under license MIT

For more information about this project please follow nanosaur.ai/about