
Using in conjunction with standard data-bind

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I'm really loving this! In the past I tended to create custom bindings whenever I apply more than two or three bindings and then move them to JS that way (i.e. using ko.applyBindingsToNode).

However, I wonder if it would be at all possible to still keep using data-bind as well as data-class? That would save you from having to keep creating new items on the binding class for trivial things like text: name.

Anyway, great plugin and thanks for sharing! 😃

@JD-Robbs - there is an option you can pass when installing to plugin to fall back to data-bind. It would look like:

ko.bindingProvider.instance = new ko.classBindingProvider(bindings, { fallback: true });

Hope that helps!

Oops, sorry about this - I didn't realise it was a feature already. Thanks a bunch - this is amazing! 😃