
Create json in a Rocket d3 program


Create json in your d3 program. To install: copy the code from each file to your d3 system. I'm using d3/linux. Then flash compile-catalog each subroutine/d3 program.

File Name Subroutine Description
test_d3_creating_json JSON.EXAMPLE Main d3 program that makes calls to the subroutines to generate json.
build_json_object_sub BUILD.JSON.OBJECT Only use this when you want to create an object as assign it to a key. calls CREATE.KEY.VALUE.PAIRS and assigns the object to a key that was passed to it. See Example 2
create_value_pairs_sub CREATE.KEY.VALUE.PAIRS Convert dynamic array to json object.
json_add_object_sub JSON.ADD.OBJECT Precondition: A call to JSON.START.ARRAY must begin the json array...Adds an object to the current json array...closes the array if the last argument is 1 else appends a comma
json_start_array_sub JSON.START.ARRAY Begins a json object and assigns the array to a key
  • This program was designed to build the json data structure by appending data in json format to a string as a program is being executed.
  • This program was not designed to build a large dynamic array then call a subroutine & magically poof... json then appears.
  • But maybe you can get cleaver and loop through your dynamic array, and build your json string using these subroutines.
    • you might have to pull data out of your array and create a new dynamic array that represents the <X,key>,<X,value> format for one record at a time.
  • Remember to start your json string { ...before a call to BUILD.JSON.OBJECT and also before you start a json array using JSON.START.ARRAY.
  • Remember to end your json string } ...when you want to end your json structure
  • CREATE.KEY.VALUE.PAIRS will return a json object that contains key:value pairs so if that is all you need then you don't need to start/end { } your json string. See Example 3
  • To create an json array of objects : see Example 1 in JSON.EXAMPLE d3 program
  • First begin your array by making a call to JSON.START.ARRAY and pass the key that you want the array set to and the variable name of the json string
  • Then build a dynamic array that represents all of the key value pairs for one record. (example: 1 employee or 1 resource)
    • Each Attribute represents one key/value pair. <X,1>=@:key, <X,2>=value
      • <X,1>="[DataTypeCode]:key" ...replace [DataTypeCode] with one of the characters that identify which data type you want for this field
        • @=string
        • #=number
        • !=boolean ...value should set to "1" which will converted true in json else false
        • $=object
    • call CREATE.KEY.VALUE.PAIRS and pass that dynamic array which will be converted to a json object that contains key:value pairs
    • then add that object to the current json array by calling JSON.ADD.OBJECT
      • remember to indicated if this is the last object in the array by passing 1 in the last argument, else a comma will be appended to the object.
    • REMEMBER to end the json string }
  • Create a simple json object that is assigned to a key Example 2
    • Create dynamic array <X,1>=@:key, <X,2>=value
  • Create a json object with no key Example 3
    • Create dynamic array <X,1>=@:key, <X,2>=value