
Question about GRPC server

vanushwashere opened this issue ยท 7 comments

How can I integrate grpc server into this ?

This package contains only bridge between RR and Laravel framework. Maybe you want to ask this in spiral/roadrunner repository?

Issue can be closed?

so, I cannot run GRPC server using only this bridge?

I found this implementation -

As far I can see it has a bunch of extra setup.

Thx, will try

I got something working here: laravel/octane#561

Ticket closed with kind words of encouragement. Unlikely to be supported.

Easier to start with:

Just for the history, I managed to get a working gRPC server similar to, running on roadrunner, but it was very far from a production-ready thing.
Also, I am kinda disappointed with Taylor's response to @dac-humi, gRPC is a very good technology, and Laravel Octane's support of it would be great.