
Vim navigation highlight defaults to yellow

Closed this issue · 4 comments

CLocs commented

Vim navigation rocks. Thank you so much! You nailed it.

Unfortunately, the highlight for vim navigation is almost always yellow in all RoamThemes, making dark themes useless: white text over yellow highlight.

Question/Request: can Roam Toolkit override the highlight color in RoamThemes?

You can adjust this yourself using [[roam/css]], for example I use:

.roam-toolkit-block-mode--highlight {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(var(--sol-cyan-rgb), 0.3), transparent);
  border-radius: 5px;
  background-color: unset !important;
CLocs commented

Hey, thanks! Did you expect this code snippet to work alone? or should it follow something else? I don't see any change after copying it into [[roam/css]] :(


@CLocs you might need to wrap the code in a css code block. See

CLocs commented

Awesome. Nailed it. (@RobertKirk, @tntmarket) Thank you both so much for your help. (I noobed out there by not making it a code block.)
