Local-Koinos is a set of scripts and tools that will help you spin up a devnet on your local machine in minutes.
You will need to install Docker on MacOS, Linux or Windows first. You can follow their instructions for installation here. Docker desktop comes with a recent version of docker-compose, but make sure it's at least docker-compose v2.
# with npm
npm install -g @roamin/local-koinos
# with yarn
yarn global add @roamin/local-koinos
# start a local Koinos devnet (default mode is "auto")
# there are 3 modes available:
# - auto: produces a block every time you submit a transaction to the mempool
# - interval: creates a block every X seconds with all transactions available in the mempool (default is every 3 seconds)
# - manual: awaits for blocks to be manually submitted to the chain
# a local JSON RPC service will be available by default at
local-koinos start
# stop the node
local-koinos stop
import { LocalKoinos, Token, Signer } from '@roamin/local-koinos';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
import * as abi from './calculator-abi.json';
// @ts-ignore koilib_types is needed when using koilib
abi.koilib_types = abi.types
const localKoinos = new LocalKoinos();
// start local-koinos node
await localKoinos.startNode();
// start block production in auto mode (a block gets produced every time you submit a transaction)
await localKoinos.startBlockProduction();
// deploy the Koin contract
await localKoinos.deployKoinContract();
// mint 50,000 Koin tokens to 10 accounts
await localKoinos.mintKoinDefaultAccounts();
// get the accounts initialized with `mintKoinDefaultAccounts`
const [genesis, koin, acct1] = localKoinos.getAccounts();
// deploy a contract to the devnet (returns an instance of a Koilib Contract)
const contract = await localKoinos.deployContract(acct1.wif, './calculator-contract.wasm', abi);
// call your contract functions
const { result } = await contract.functions.add({ x: '4', y: '5' });
// stop local-koinos node
await localKoinos.stopNode();
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