
How to define intermediate result when using schedules?

hulihan-start opened this issue · 1 comments

I followed your test code on:
I'm not sure if 'cache' is the correct keyword for this case, but a CUDA error was found:
ptxas warning : Value of threads per SM for entry kernel0 is out of range. .minnctapersm and .maxntid will be ignored
CUDA error in file '/root/.freetensor/o17vag/' in line 73 : invalid argument.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/not_backed_up/lihhu/FreeTensor_experiments/", line 87, in
File "/data/not_backed_up/lihhu/FreeTensor_experiments/", line 84, in transr
result = eval(func, True, True)
File "/data/not_backed_up/lihhu/FreeTensor_experiments/", line 50, in eval
t1, _ = driver.time()
RuntimeError: cuda error

Here is my code:

import freetensor as ft
import torch
device = ft.GPU(0)
target =
host = ft.CPU()

h = torch.randint(0, 4096, (4096, ), dtype=torch.int64).cuda(0)
t = torch.randint(0, 4096, (4096, ), dtype=torch.int64).cuda(0)
r = torch.randint(0, 4096, (4096, ), dtype=torch.int64).cuda(0)
eemb = torch.rand(93773, 512).cuda(0)
remb = torch.rand(51, 512).cuda(0)
proj = torch.rand(51, 512, 512).cuda(0)
res = torch.rand(4096, 512).cuda(0)

batch_size = h.shape[0]
dim = eemb.shape[1]
enode = eemb.shape[0]
rnode = remb.shape[0]

def transr():
    def eval(func, print_code=False, time=False):
        func = ft.lower(func, target)
        if print_code:
            print(func, flush=True)
        code = ft.codegen(func, target)
        if print_code:
            print(code, flush=True)
        driver = ft.build_binary(code, device)
        res = torch.zeros(batch_size,).cuda(0)
        head = ft.Array(h)
        tail = ft.Array(t)
        relation = ft.Array(r)
        entemb = ft.Array(eemb)
        relemb = ft.Array(remb)
        pemb = ft.Array(proj)
        res = ft.Array(res)
        driver.set_args(heads=head, tails=tail, relations=relation, entemb=entemb, relemb=relemb, pemb=pemb, result=res)
        if time:
            t1, _ = driver.time()
            print("time: %s ms" % t1)
        B_np = res.torch()
        return B_np
    def score_func(heads, tails, relations, entemb, relemb, pemb, result):
        heads: ft.Var[(batch_size, ), "int64", "input", "gpu/global"]
        tails: ft.Var[(batch_size, ), "int64", "input", "gpu/global"]
        relations: ft.Var[(batch_size, ), "int64", "input", "gpu/global"]
        entemb: ft.Var[(enode, dim, ), "float32", "input", "gpu/global"]
        relemb: ft.Var[(enode, dim, ), "float32", "input", "gpu/global"]
        pemb: ft.Var[(enode, dim, dim, ), "float32", "input", "gpu/global"]
        result: ft.Var[(batch_size, ), "float32", "output", "gpu/global"]
        inter: ft.Var[(batch_size, dim,), "float32", "cache", "gpu/global"]

        # inter = ft.empty((batch_size, dim), "float32")

        #! label: bx
        for bb in range(batch_size):
            #! label: ty
            for dd in range(dim):
                #! label: tx
                for kk in range(dim):
                    inter[bb, dd] += (entemb[heads[bb], kk] - entemb[tails[bb], kk]) * pemb[relations[bb], kk, dd]
                result[bb] += ft.abs(inter[bb, dd] + relemb[relations[bb], dd])

    s = ft.Schedule(score_func)
    s.parallelize("bx", "blockIdx.x")
    s.parallelize("ty", "threadIdx.y")
    s.parallelize("tx", "threadIdx.x")
    func = s.func()
    result = eval(func, True, True)


Can you help me to fix this issue? Thank you so much!

You have too many CUDA threads per CUDA blocks. In this code, you mapped both tx and ty to CUDA threads, it will be 512 * 512 threads. For typical NVIDIA GPU, this number should be kept no more than 1024 (refer to NVIDIA's documents for details).

As in the example, a typical way to deal with it is to tile the loops with split and reorder schedules. You need to make the loops to be like this (boundary check for integer division is omitted):

for bb_out in range(batch_size // tile_size_for_bb):
  for dd_out in range(dim // tile_size_for_dd):
    for kk_out in range(dim // tile_size_for_kk):
      for bb_in in range(tile_size_for_bb):
        for dd_in in range(tile_size_for_dd):
          for kk_in in range(tile_size_for_kk):

where you control the *tile_size_* not too large, and map all the *_in loops to threads and all the *_out loops to blocks.