
linux service script doesnt stop service

rob42 opened this issue · 1 comments

The service start script works well. But “stop” or “status” give errors because the freeboard server is running with a pid that’s typically about 6 larger than what was stored in the /var/run/ file. I assume this is because the startup spawns other processes and and leaves one running that’s different from the original pid, but don’t understand more than that. Is this a known bug, or do I have something configured wrong, or ???

I think it could be a bug ... the problem is related to the fact that
Freeboard is a Java app (as far as I can remember .. I played with
Freeboard some times ago) ...

I' related to
there you could get some hint.

I will need to have a look but meantime

Workaround 1: unplug the raspberry pi!
Workaround 2: 'killall java' will often work, depending what is plugged in.
Workaround 3: use 'ps -ef | grep java' to find the correct pid value, then 'kill -9 pidvalue'