Allow the user to get the generated URL
gary-archer opened this issue · 1 comments
Very nice component - and I like the way you can get multiple generated internet SSL URLs.
I was trying to use it for a code example that demonstrated a tricky mobile security use case.
In ngrok you can write the following type of script to spin up a URL and then use the URL value in automation.
For example to configure components that use the URLs.
A similar feature in your component would also add to its appeal, so thought I'd add a request for that.
ngrok http 80 --log=stdout &
sleep 5
GENERATED_URL=$(curl -s http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | jq -r '.tunnels[] | select(.proto == "https") | .public_url')
Nothing urgent though - for now I'm writing some script which seems to work alright:
tmole 3000 >mobile_hostnames &
tmole 3001 >web_hostnames &
tmole 8443 >authorization_server_hostnames &
sleep 5
MOBILE_BASE_URL=$(tail -n 1 mobile_hostnames | cut -d " " -f1)
WEB_BASE_URL=$(tail -n 1 web_hostnames | cut -d " " -f1)
AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_BASE_URL=$(tail -n 1 authorization_server_hostnames | cut -d " " -f1)
Nice idea, the best way to do this is to use the npm
module and some JavaScript.
npm install --save tunnelmole
Then in your script:
import { tunnelmole } from 'tunnelmole';
const url = await tunnelmole({
port: 3000
// url =
Then just use that URL for the automation.