
NFL Logo with white frame/background

Closed this issue · 4 comments

kif23 commented

it's me again...

just activated the NFL, and the logo

has an ugly white frame/background around it on the matrix as well as on the web ui


v0.0.90 has the new NFL log.

You will need to clear your logo cache. You can either reboot the Pi, or run:

sudo rm -rf /tmp/sportsmatrix*
kif23 commented

perfect! thanks!

when will your Roadmap be up? i've found some more of these :)

That Roadmap used to contain the high-level boards I wanted to add, but I've since added them all. I don't really have a roadmap currently. For the most updated info on what I'm planning to work on or to share ideas, I recommend joining the Discord channel. Folks give ideas for improvements and new features in there pretty often.