
Suggestion: Outline for White Font to Stand Out Against White Logos?

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Would it be possible to implement a colored/black outline for the white score/records font? I have noticed that it can be difficult to read scores/records when the team logos behind them are white. Perhaps something similar to the way that betting odds are encased in a black box?

Thanks for your consideration!

Could you possibly provide an example of the issue? The team record is already written with a black box around it, so that shouldn't be washed out by the logo.

As for the score, I would suggest ensuring that you have the useGradient setting for each sport set to true, if you don't already- that setting makes score legibility a lot better for smaller scoreboards. (


This photo may show a good example of the tight spacing on my display between score, record, and the breadcrumb navigation on the bottom. You can see that it's a bit tricky to distinguish the "1" at the beginning of the Wizards's score.

Try setting useGradient: false in your NBA section. That should make it draw a black box outline.

It's perhaps a bit confusing but there are actually 3 different states that result from the useGradient setting:

  • If this setting is not configured at all (or commented out in the config), you get gradient mode
  • If set to true, the team logos fade in the center of the board and makes the score more readable
  • If set to false, the score is surrounded with the black box.

Thank you for that suggestion! That definitely helps!