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I am trying to change the config file hardwareMapping to regular vice adafruit-hat. It does not seem to work once that has been changed. Also, for the scrolling portion, is there an option to have one sport score come after the other vice waiting for it to come across the entire screen?

For the hardware change, you can modify it in your config file, which is /etc/sportsmatrix.conf, then restart the service with sudo systemctl restart sportsmatrix. Any changes to the config file will require restarting the service.

As for the scrolling- having the scores scroll back to back without clearing the entire screen is unfortunately not something I can easily make work, given how things are rendered. The scrolling mode wasn't in the initial plans, so I didn't account for the back-to-back ability early on.

It wouldn't necessarily require a "complete rework", but it would require a bit more work than I'm interested in doing currently.

The gist of it is, each game score is rendered in memory individually (so that scores are as up to date as possible), then drawn to the screen. The scroll mode simply takes a rendered board and shifts it across the screen instead of drawing it once. Having the scores trail back-to-back means it would instead need to render all of the scores at once, then scroll it. It's certainly doable, just doesn't fit cleanly into the way things are laid out currently. Getting it to scroll back-to-back across different sports would require even more work. There's also the side-effect that the scores would then only be up to date as of when that sport was specifically rendered- in reality that probably isn't a big deal.

As for reading materials, that depends on your experience writing software in general. You'd either need some intro to programming types of materials, or just some intro to Go (the language used in this project) materials. I don't have any specific things to point you to, unfortunately.

Oh ok, you want it to look better with wider screen setups.

Message me on discord if you want to talk specifics robby#4872

Robby, which discord server are you on? I am trying to reach-out but it says you don't accept messages from non friends. Sorry, a noob on Discord.

I just created a public server "RGB Sportsmatrix Help"