
Kibana Url Format filters appear as raw HTML in saved search visualizations

ricferr opened this issue · 2 comments


In Elasticsearch/KIbana 7.4.0, all saved search visualizations present the Url formats as raw HTML.
They are presented correctly when viewing the same saved search in Discovery.

This did not happen in 6.x.
I have upgraded to 1.1.0 as required for 7.x support.

Screenshots included.



Is this a known issue ?
Is there a workaround ?

Thank you.

Can you test with 7.4.2? There were field formatter fixes in 7.4.2.

If it is still an issue, you will need to open a Kibana issue.

Hello again.

You were right. 7.4.2 fixes it. I'm closing the issue.
Thank you.