
Suricata Stats

MyCodeRocks opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi @robcowart
Just a question I am sending the suricata eve file via filebeats to my ELK server. I see there is a stats log file as well but when specifying this log in the filebeats on the pfsense server they not getting ingested into the ELK server. The normal eve files works really well and thank you so much!

Any advise on what to check for?

The Pfsense logfile does not work good with eof. So filebeat cannot read it well.
Try syslog instead. Been there.

@MyCodeRocks in your suricata.yml file you have to enable - stats: being added to the eve.json file by enable it under the - eve-log: output section.

This is my output config...

# Configure the type of alert (and other) logging you would like.
  # Extensible Event Format (nicknamed EVE) event log in JSON format
  - eve-log:
      enabled: yes
      filetype: regular
      filename: eve.json
      rotate-interval: day

      metadata: yes

      community-id: true
      community-id-seed: 0

        enabled: yes
        mode: extra-data
        deployment: reverse
        header: X-Forwarded-For

        - alert:
            metadata: yes
            tagged-packets: yes

        - anomaly:
            enabled: yes
              decode: no
              stream: no
              applayer: yes
            packethdr: no

        - http:
            extended: yes
            custom: [ accept, accept_charset, accept_datetime, accept_encoding, accept_language, accept_range, age,
              allow, authorization, cache_control, connection, content_encoding, content_language, content_length,
              content_location, content_md5, content_range, content_type, cookie, date, dnt, etag, expires, from,
              last_modified, link, location, max_forwards, org_src_ip, origin, pragma, proxy_authenticate,
              proxy_authorization, range, referrer, refresh, retry_after, server, set_cookie, te, trailer,
              transfer_encoding, true_client_ip, upgrade, vary, via, warning, www_authenticate, x_authenticated_user,
              x_bluecoat_via, x_flash_version, x_forwarded_proto, x_requested_with ]
            dump-all-headers: [both]

        - dns:
            enabled: yes
            version: 1

            requests: yes
            responses: yes

            #formats: [detailed, grouped]
            #types: [a, aaaa, cname, mx, ns, ptr, txt]

        - tls:
            extended: yes
            session-resumption: yes
            custom: [ subject, issuer, session_resumed, serial, fingerprint, sni, version, not_before, not_after,
              certificate, chain, ja3 ]

        - files:
            force-magic: no
            # force logging of checksums, available hash functions are md5, sha1 and sha256
            force-hash: [md5]

        - drop:
            alerts: yes
            flows: all

        - smtp:
            extended: yes
            custom: [ bcc, content-md5, date, importance, in-reply-to, message-id, organization, priority, received,
              references, relays, reply-to, sensitivity, subject, user-agent, x-mailer, x-originating-ip ]
            # you need to set app-layer.protocols.smtp.mime.body-md5 to yes
            md5: [ body, subject ]

        - dnp3
        - ftp
        - rdp
        - nfs
        - smb
        - tftp
        - ikev2
        - krb5
        #- snmp
        - sip

        - dhcp:
            enabled: yes
            extended: yes

        - ssh

        - stats:
            totals: yes
            threads: no
            deltas: no
        # bi-directional flows
        - flow

        # uni-directional flows
        #- netflow

        # Metadata event type.
        - metadata

Thank you @ipworkx
@robcowart - thank you - so I understand correctly

  1. That is your filebeats config or your suricata config file on the firewall / suricata box?

Trying to understand if its changing suricata's config or if its a config in: synesis_lite_suricata

Thank you both once again

That is part of my Suricata config. I am running Suricata standalone, not as part of a firewall appliance, but as long as you can edit the Suricata config it shouldn't make a difference.

Thank you looking at the Suricata config now. I see stats is enabled but I think its creating a sperate stats file and not in the eve.json

I see it creates a stats.log file and doesn't add it to the eve.json.

Are the logs suppose to be part of the eve.json file?

You have to enable stats collection. Then you also enable whether it will be part of particular log (for those logs types that support it). If you enable it for the - eve-log: output section, as I did above, stats will be included in the eve.json file.

@robcowart thank you so I have the following now:

  • eve-log:
    enabled: yes
    filetype: regular #regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis
    filename: eve.json
    metadata: yes
    community-id: true
    community-id-seed: 0

    - stats:
          totals: yes
          threads: no
          deltas: no
    • ssh

Then checking the log:

Just checking above I did enable it? Checking your config file

We can close this thread. Got it to work (with the eve.json).
In Pfsense (I have the appliance) you can't edit the raw config file as it causes some unknown issue in the background and is not persistent through reboots.

I went and looked through all the settings and deep down in one of the settings there is check boxes for the stats and extended settings you had in your config file above. After enabling this and restarting the Suricata service I now have stats etc streaming into ELK.

Thank you again @robcowart