
Travis Failing on Websocket error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm getting this error when checking my config via Travis
Failed config General Errors: - Platform error media_player.samsungtv_custom - No module named 'websocket'

Here is my config for this module
platform: samsungtv_custom host: !secret living_room_tv_ip mac: !secret living_room_tv_mac name: "Samsung Living Room TV" port: 8002 protocol: ws sourcelist: '{"Chromecast": "KEY_HDMI1", "Switch": "KEY_HDMI2"}'

and my travis code

`language: python

  • "3.7"
  • mv not_secrets.yaml config/secrets.yaml
  • sudo apt-get install -y libudev-dev
  • pip3 install homeassistant
  • hass -c ./config/ --script check_config`

The actual code works fine in my docker install but I'd really like to get this issue fixed if possible.

pip3 install websocket-client==0.56.0

that fixed it thanks