
`codemirror-mode-meta-patch` failure on source installation (jupyterlab 3.5.0)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The codemirror-mode-meta-patch seems to be associated with a build failure. It looks like it may be due to a change in file location or name (as opposed to line number) relative to the current version and the installation procedure here cameronraysmith/notebooks/Dockerfile#L90.

patch failure
#18 [stage-0 12/43] RUN git clone /home/jovyan/maxima-jupyter
#18 1.063 Cloning into '/home/jovyan/maxima-jupyter'...
#18 DONE 2.7s

#19 [stage-0 13/43] WORKDIR /home/jovyan/maxima-jupyter
#19 DONE 0.0s

#20 [stage-0 14/43] RUN export PYTHON_SITE=$(python -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()["purelib"])') && 	mkdir -p ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/maxima/ && 	cp maxima.js ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/maxima/ && 	patch ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/meta.js codemirror-mode-meta-patch
#20 0.127 patching file /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/meta.js
#20 0.127 Hunk #1 FAILED at 84.
#20 0.128 patch: **** Can't reopen file /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/meta.js : No such file or directory
#20 ERROR: process "/bin/sh -c export PYTHON_SITE=$(python -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()[\"purelib\"])') && \tmkdir -p ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/maxima/ && \tcp maxima.js ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/maxima/ && \tpatch ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/meta.js codemirror-mode-meta-patch" did not complete successfully: exit code: 2
 > [stage-0 14/43] RUN export PYTHON_SITE=$(python -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()["purelib"])') && 	mkdir -p ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/maxima/ && 	cp maxima.js ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/maxima/ && 	patch ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/meta.js codemirror-mode-meta-patch:
#20 0.127 patching file /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/meta.js
#20 0.127 Hunk #1 FAILED at 84.
#20 0.128 patch: **** Can't reopen file /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/meta.js : No such file or directory
  89 |     
  90 | >>> RUN export PYTHON_SITE=$(python -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()["purelib"])') && \ 
  91 | >>> 	mkdir -p ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/maxima/ && \ 
  92 | >>> 	cp maxima.js ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/maxima/ && \ 
  93 | >>> 	patch ${PYTHON_SITE}/notebook/static/components/codemirror/mode/meta.js codemirror-mode-meta-patch
  94 |     # && \

system dependency versions

system dependency versions
#10 1.896 Package (197)                      New Version                   Net Change  Download Size
#10 1.896 
#10 1.896 extra/adobe-source-code-pro-fonts  2.038ro+1.058it+1.018var-1      1.86 MiB       0.92 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/adwaita-icon-theme           43-1                           16.30 MiB       4.32 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/aom                          3.5.0-1                         9.16 MiB       2.67 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/at-spi2-core                 2.46.0-2                        3.87 MiB       0.55 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/avahi                        0.8+22+gfd482a7-3               1.85 MiB       0.42 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/blas                         3.10.1-1                        0.33 MiB       0.12 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/c-ares                       1.18.1-1                        0.46 MiB       0.20 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/cairo                        1.17.6-2                        3.43 MiB       0.74 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/cantarell-fonts              1:0.303.1-1                     0.19 MiB       0.11 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/dav1d                        1.0.0-1                         1.62 MiB       0.55 MiB
#10 1.896 core/db                            5.3.28-5                        6.41 MiB       1.07 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/dconf                        0.40.0-1                        0.44 MiB       0.10 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/desktop-file-utils           0.26-2                          0.20 MiB       0.04 MiB
#10 1.896 core/diffutils                     3.8-1                           1.47 MiB       0.35 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/double-conversion            3.2.1-1                         0.18 MiB       0.05 MiB
#10 1.896 community/duktape                  2.7.0-4                         0.78 MiB       0.17 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/fontconfig                   2:2.14.1-2                      1.08 MiB       0.36 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/freetype2                    2.12.1-1                        1.63 MiB       0.49 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/fribidi                      1.0.12-1                        0.22 MiB       0.04 MiB
#10 1.896 core/gc                            8.2.2-1                         0.75 MiB       0.23 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gd                           2.3.3-4                         0.67 MiB       0.15 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gdk-pixbuf2                  2.42.10-1                       2.96 MiB       0.51 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/ghostscript                  10.0.0-1                       45.10 MiB      16.28 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/giflib                       5.2.1-2                         0.30 MiB       0.07 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/glib-networking              1:2.74.0-1                      0.61 MiB       0.14 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/graphite                     1:1.3.14-2                      0.67 MiB       0.21 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gsettings-desktop-schemas    43.0-1                          4.85 MiB       0.67 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gsfonts                      20[200](                      3.11 MiB       1.61 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gst-plugins-base-libs        1.20.4-1                       11.30 MiB       2.13 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gstreamer                    1.20.4-1                       10.30 MiB       1.77 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gtk-update-icon-cache        1:4.8.2-1                       0.04 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gtk3                         1:3.24.34+r156+g812b3930d0-1   48.77 MiB       7.65 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gts                                  0.67 MiB       0.21 MiB
#10 1.896 core/guile                         2.2.7-2                        44.10 MiB       6.32 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/harfbuzz                     5.3.1-3                         5.94 MiB       1.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/hicolor-icon-theme           0.17-2                          0.05 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 community/hidapi                   0.12.0-1                        0.09 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/http-parser                  2.9.4-1                         0.06 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/hwloc                        2.8.0-1                         1.53 MiB       0.52 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/ijs                          0.35-4                          0.12 MiB       0.05 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/imlib2                       1.9.1-2                         1.40 MiB       0.55 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/iso-codes                    4.11.0-2                       18.16 MiB       3.16 MiB
#10 1.896 core/jansson                       2.14-2                          0.18 MiB       0.05 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/jbig2dec                     0.19-1                          0.15 MiB       0.06 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/json-glib                    1.6.6-2                         0.95 MiB       0.16 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/lapack                       3.10.1-1                        7.17 MiB       2.37 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/lcms2                        2.13.1-1                        0.65 MiB       0.21 MiB
#10 1.896 community/libavif                  0.10.1-2                        0.32 MiB       0.11 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libcaca                      0.99.beta20-1                   1.20 MiB       0.25 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libcerf                      1:2.1-1                         0.13 MiB       0.05 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libcloudproviders            0.3.1+r8+g3a229ee-1             0.47 MiB       0.06 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libcolord                    1.4.6-1                         1.25 MiB       0.18 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libcups                      1:2.4.2-3                       0.82 MiB       0.27 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libdaemon                    0.14-5                          0.06 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libdatrie                    0.2.13-1                        0.07 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libde265                     1.0.9-1                         1.04 MiB       0.34 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libdrm                       2.4.113-3                       1.11 MiB       0.31 MiB
#10 1.896 core/libedit                       [202](                  0.27 MiB       0.11 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libepoxy                     1.5.10-1                        2.79 MiB       0.32 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libevdev                     1.13.0-1                        0.25 MiB       0.06 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libglvnd                     1.5.0-1                         3.69 MiB       0.35 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libgudev                     237-2                           0.39 MiB       0.04 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libheif                      1.13.0-2                        0.78 MiB       0.25 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libice                       1.0.10-4                        0.35 MiB       0.08 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libidn                       1.41-1                          0.76 MiB       0.22 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libinput                     1.21.0-1                        1.04 MiB       0.27 MiB
#10 1.896 core/libisl                        0.25-1                          5.54 MiB       0.83 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libjpeg-turbo                2.1.4-2                         1.89 MiB       0.44 MiB
#10 1.896 core/libmpc                        1.2.1-2                         0.14 MiB       0.07 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libmspack                    1:0.10.1alpha-4                 0.16 MiB       0.05 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libnotify                    0.8.1-1                         0.31 MiB       0.06 MiB
#10 1.896 core/libnsl                        2.0.0-2                         0.07 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libomxil-bellagio            0.9.3-3                         0.58 MiB       0.12 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libpaper                     1.1.28-2                        0.09 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libpciaccess                 0.17-1                          0.06 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 community/libpgm                   5.3.128-2                       0.37 MiB       0.18 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libpng                       1.6.38-1                        0.57 MiB       0.24 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libproxy                     0.4.18-1                        0.29 MiB       0.08 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/librsvg                      2:2.55.1-1                     13.93 MiB       3.52 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libsm                        1.2.3-3                         0.26 MiB       0.04 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libsodium                    1.0.18-2                        0.49 MiB       0.17 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libsoup3                     3.2.1-1                         1.92 MiB       0.38 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libstemmer                   2.2.0-2                         0.79 MiB       0.14 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libthai                      0.1.29-1                        0.65 MiB       0.17 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libtiff                      4.4.0-4                         2.86 MiB       0.86 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libunwind                    1.6.2-1                         0.26 MiB       0.11 MiB
#10 1.896 core/libusb                        1.0.26-1                        0.21 MiB       0.07 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libuv                        1.44.2-1                        0.55 MiB       0.22 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libwacom                     2.5.0-1                         0.67 MiB       0.11 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libwebp                      1.2.4-1                         1.05 MiB       0.34 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libx11                       1.8.1-3                        10.07 MiB       2.05 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxau                       1.0.10-1                        0.02 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxaw                       1.0.14-1                        1.69 MiB       0.35 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxcb                       1.15-1                          3.77 MiB       0.98 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxcomposite                0.4.5-4                         0.02 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxcursor                   1.2.1-1                         0.06 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxdamage                   1.1.5-4                         0.02 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxdmcp                     1.1.3-4                         0.13 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxext                      1.3.5-1                         0.30 MiB       0.10 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxfixes                    6.0.0-1                         0.04 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxft                       2.3.6-1                         0.13 MiB       0.06 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxi                        1.8-1                           0.48 MiB       0.15 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxinerama                  1.1.5-1                         0.02 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxkbcommon                 1.4.1-1                         0.75 MiB       0.20 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxkbcommon-x11             1.4.1-1                         0.07 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxmu                       1.1.4-1                         0.33 MiB       0.07 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxpm                       3.5.13-3                        0.14 MiB       0.05 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxrandr                    1.5.2-4                         0.07 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxrender                   0.9.11-1                        0.10 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxshmfence                 1.3.1-1                         0.02 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxt                        1.2.1-1                         2.03 MiB       0.52 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxtst                      1.2.4-1                         0.11 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxv                        1.0.11-5                        0.06 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/libxxf86vm                   1.1.5-1                         0.03 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 community/libyuv                   r2322+3aebf69d-1                1.65 MiB       0.26 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/llvm-libs                    14.0.6-3                      112.47 MiB      27.57 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/lm_sensors                   1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-1         0.46 MiB       0.13 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/lua                          5.4.4-2                         1.21 MiB       0.30 MiB
#10 1.896 core/lzo                           2.10-3                          0.39 MiB       0.08 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/md4c                         0.4.8-1                         0.25 MiB       0.08 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/mesa                         22.2.1-1                       72.64 MiB      10.22 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/metis                        5.1.0.p10-2                     0.42 MiB       0.16 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/mtdev                        1.1.6-2                         0.05 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/netpbm                       10.73.37-2                      6.74 MiB       1.24 MiB
#10 1.896 community/node-gyp                 9.3.0-1                         4.38 MiB       0.96 MiB
#10 1.896 community/nodejs                   19.0.0-2                       53.97 MiB      12.94 MiB
#10 1.896 community/nodejs-nopt              6.0.0-1                         0.03 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/openjpeg2                    2.5.0-1                        13.50 MiB       0.90 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/openmpi                      4.1.4-4                         8.97 MiB       2.90 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/openpmix                     4.2.2-1                         3.43 MiB       0.83 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/orc                          0.4.33-1                        1.20 MiB       0.24 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/pango                        1:1.50.11-1                     2.27 MiB       0.39 MiB
#10 1.896 core/pcre                          8.45-3                          3.49 MiB       0.97 MiB
#10 1.896 core/perl                          5.36.0-1                       59.79 MiB      15.58 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/perl-error                   0.17029-4                       0.04 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/perl-mailtools               2.21-6                          0.11 MiB       0.06 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/perl-timedate                2.33-4                          0.08 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/pixman                       0.42.0-1                        0.72 MiB       0.26 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/qt5-base                     5.15.7+kde+r167-1              62.98 MiB      13.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/qt5-svg                      5.15.7+kde+r9-1                 0.49 MiB       0.15 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/qt5-translations             5.15.7-1                       14.71 MiB       1.88 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/rav1e                        0.5.1-2                         6.28 MiB       1.42 MiB
#10 1.896 core/run-parts                     5.5-1                           0.04 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/sbcl                         2.2.9-1                        76.28 MiB      13.80 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/sdl2                         2.24.1-1                        4.06 MiB       0.92 MiB
#10 1.896 community/semver                   7.3.8-1                         0.11 MiB       0.04 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/shared-mime-info             2.0+155+gf4e7cbc-1              4.52 MiB       0.59 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/suitesparse                  5.13.0-1                        3.46 MiB       1.13 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/svt-av1                      1.3.0-1                         7.36 MiB       2.00 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/tracker3                     3.4.1-1                         3.03 MiB       0.67 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/tslib                        1.22-1                          0.47 MiB       0.10 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/unzip                        6.0-19                          0.30 MiB       0.14 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/vulkan-icd-loader            1.3.[226](                       0.50 MiB       0.13 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/wayland                      1.21.0-1                        0.77 MiB       0.13 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/wxwidgets-common             3.2.1-1                        15.40 MiB       2.85 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/wxwidgets-gtk3               3.2.1-1                        17.64 MiB       4.63 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/x[265](                         3.5-3                          19.13 MiB       1.69 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xcb-proto                    1.15.2-1                        0.84 MiB       0.11 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xcb-util                     0.4.0-4                         0.04 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xcb-util-image               0.4.1-2                         0.05 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xcb-util-keysyms             0.4.1-4                         0.02 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xcb-util-renderutil          0.3.10-1                        0.03 MiB       0.01 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xcb-util-wm                  0.4.2-1                         0.21 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xdg-utils                    1.1.3+21+g1a58bc2-2             0.28 MiB       0.05 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xkeyboard-config             2.37-1                          6.50 MiB       0.85 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xorg-xprop                   1.2.5-1                         0.05 MiB       0.03 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xorg-xset                    1.2.4-3                         0.04 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/xorgproto                    2022.2-1                        1.43 MiB       0.24 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/zip                          3.0-10                          0.53 MiB       0.16 MiB
#10 1.896 core/autoconf                      2.71-1                          2.20 MiB       0.63 MiB
#10 1.896 core/automake                      1.16.5-1                        1.57 MiB       0.60 MiB
#10 1.896 core/binutils                      2.39-3                         35.50 MiB       6.92 MiB
#10 1.896 core/bison                         3.8.2-4                         2.53 MiB       0.75 MiB
#10 1.896 core/debugedit                     5.0-4                           0.10 MiB       0.04 MiB
#10 1.896 core/fakeroot                      1.29-1                          0.13 MiB       0.07 MiB
#10 1.896 core/flex                          2.6.4-3                         0.95 MiB       0.29 MiB
#10 1.896 core/gcc                           12.2.0-1                      169.93 MiB      44.50 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/git                          2.38.1-1                       37.25 MiB       6.52 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/gnuplot                      5.4.5-1                         3.38 MiB       1.18 MiB
#10 1.896 extra/graphviz                     7.0.0-1                         9.98 MiB       3.60 MiB
#10 1.897 core/groff                         1.22.4-7                        9.31 MiB       2.16 MiB
#10 1.897 extra/libgit2                      1:1.5.0-1                       2.64 MiB       0.83 MiB
#10 1.897 core/libtool                       2.4.7-5                         2.22 MiB       0.40 MiB
#10 1.897 core/m4                            1.4.19-1                        0.49 MiB       0.25 MiB
#10 1.897 core/make                          4.3-3                           1.52 MiB       0.47 MiB
#10 1.897 extra/maxima                       5.46.0-5                       63.02 MiB      19.73 MiB
#10 1.897 extra/maxima-sbcl                  5.46.0-5                       61.98 MiB      13.26 MiB
#10 1.897 community/npm                      8.19.2-1                        6.49 MiB       1.42 MiB
#10 1.897 core/patch                         2.7.6-8                         0.19 MiB       0.09 MiB
#10 1.897 core/pkgconf                       1.8.0-1                         0.16 MiB       0.06 MiB
#10 1.897 core/python                        3.10.8-2                       55.16 MiB      12.05 MiB
#10 1.897 community/r                        4.2.2-1                        82.06 MiB      56.50 MiB
#10 1.897 core/sudo                          1.9.12-1                        7.10 MiB       1.72 MiB
#10 1.897 community/sundials                 6.4.1-1                         9.89 MiB       1.00 MiB
#10 1.897 core/texinfo                       6.8-2                           8.75 MiB       1.39 MiB
#10 1.897 core/which                         2.21-5                          0.03 MiB       0.02 MiB
#10 1.897 community/zeromq                   4.3.4-2                         3.25 MiB       0.64 MiB
#10 1.897 
#10 1.897 Total Download Size:    [375]( MiB
#10 1.897 Total Installed Size:  1506.66 MiB

python package versions

python package versions

#14 228.0 Successfully installed GitPython-3.1.29 Mako-1.2.3 MarkupSafe-2.1.1 RISE-5.7.1 SQLAlchemy-1.4.42 Send2Trash-1.8.0 aiohttp-3.8.3 aiosignal-1.2.0 alembic-1.8.1 anyio-3.6.2 aquirdturtle_collapsible_headings-3.1.0 argon2-cffi-21.3.0 argon2-cffi-bindings-21.2.0 asttokens-2.1.0 async-generator-1.10 async-timeout-4.0.2 attrs-22.1.0 babel-2.11.0 backcall-0.2.0 beautifulsoup4-4.11.1 black-22.10.0 bleach-5.0.1 bokeh-3.0.0 certifi-2022.9.24 certipy-0.1.3 cffi-1.15.1 charset-normalizer-2.1.1 click-8.1.3 cloudpickle-2.2.0 colorama-0.4.6 contourpy-1.0.6 cryptography-38.0.3 dask-2022.10.2 dask-labextension-6.0.0 debugpy-1.6.3 decorator-5.1.1 defusedxml-0.7.1 deprecation-2.1.0 distributed-2022.10.2 entrypoints-0.4 executing-1.2.0 fastjsonschema-2.16.2 flake8-5.0.4 frozenlist-1.3.1 fsspec-2022.10.0 gitdb-4.0.9 greenlet-2.0.0 heapdict-1.0.1 idna-3.4 ipykernel-6.17.0 ipython-8.6.0 ipython-genutils-0.2.0 ipywidgets-8.0.2 isort-5.10.1 jedi-0.18.1 jinja2-3.1.2 json5-0.9.10 jsonschema-4.17.0 jupyter-1.0.0 jupyter-client-7.3.4 jupyter-console-6.4.4 jupyter-core-4.11.2 jupyter-packaging-0.12.3 jupyter-resource-usage-0.6.3 jupyter-server-1.21.0 jupyter-server-mathjax-0.2.6 jupyter-server-proxy-3.2.2 jupyter-telemetry-0.1.0 jupyterhub-3.0.0 jupyterlab-3.5.0 jupyterlab-code-formatter-1.5.3 jupyterlab-execute-time-2.1.0 jupyterlab-git-0.39.3 jupyterlab-pygments-0.2.2 jupyterlab-server-2.16.2 jupyterlab-skip-traceback-4.0.4 jupyterlab-system-monitor-0.8.0 jupyterlab-topbar-0.6.1 jupyterlab-widgets-3.0.3 jupyterlab_nvdashboard-0.7.0 jupytext-1.14.1 locket-1.0.0 markdown-it-py-2.1.0 matplotlib-inline-0.1.6 mccabe-0.7.0 mdit-py-plugins-0.3.1 mdurl-0.1.2 mistune-2.0.4 msgpack-1.0.4 multidict-6.0.2 mypy-extensions-0.4.3 nbclassic-0.4.7 nbclient-0.7.0 nbconvert-7.2.3 nbdime-3.1.1 nbformat-5.7.0 nbgitpuller-1.1.0 nbresuse-0.4.0 nest-asyncio-1.5.6 notebook-6.5.2 notebook-shim-0.2.0 numpy-1.23.4 oauthlib-3.2.2 packaging-21.3 pamela-1.0.0 pandas-1.5.1 pandocfilters-1.5.0 parso-0.8.3 partd-1.3.0 pathspec-0.10.1 pexpect-4.8.0 pickleshare-0.7.5 pillow-9.3.0 platformdirs-2.5.2 prometheus-client-0.15.0 prompt-toolkit-3.0.31 psutil-5.9.3 ptyprocess-0.7.0 pure-eval-0.2.2 pycodestyle-2.9.1 pycparser-2.21 pyflakes-2.5.0 pygments-2.13.0 pynvml-11.4.1 pyopenssl-22.1.0 pyparsing-3.0.9 pyrsistent-0.19.1 python-dateutil-2.8.2 python-json-logger-2.0.4 pytz-2022.6 pyyaml-6.0 pyzmq-24.0.1 qtconsole-5.3.2 qtpy-2.2.1 requests-2.28.1 ruamel.yaml-0.17.21 ruamel.yaml.clib-0.2.7 simpervisor-0.4 six-1.16.0 smmap-5.0.0 sniffio-1.3.0 sortedcontainers-2.4.0 soupsieve-2.3.2.post1 stack-data-0.6.0 tblib-1.7.0 terminado-0.17.0 tinycss2-1.2.1 toml-0.10.2 tomli-2.0.1 tomlkit-0.11.6 toolz-0.12.0 tornado-6.1 traitlets-5.5.0 typing-extensions-4.4.0 urllib3-1.26.12 voila-0.4.0 wcwidth-0.2.5 webencodings-0.5.1 websocket-client-1.4.1 websockets-10.4 wheel-0.37.1 widgetsnbextension-4.0.3 xyzservices-2022.9.0 yarl-1.8.1 zict-2.2.0

I will investigate further myself, but just wanted to report the observation here. Please let me know if you would like any more information from the build log.

The path changed with a recent jupyter version. The new location is:
${PYTHON_SITE}/site-packages/nbclassic/static/components/codemirror/mode/, this is also where maxima/maxima.js needs to go.

Thank you @jkelling! That indeed resolved the issue.

@jkelling Thank you for tracking down the problem. It sounds like some file or document might need to be updated. Can you propose a patch or PR?

@jkelling Thank you for tracking down the problem. It sounds like some file or document might need to be updated. Can you propose a patch or PR?

As far as I see, thee is not action required in this repo, because maxima.js is not installed automatically (e.g. by jupyter_system_install(true, "pkg/")). @cameronraysmith 's Dockerfile performs an additional action afterwards copying this file to the location in question.