
MacPorts: Maxima-Jupyter fails after upgrade of SBCL and Maxima (has workaround)

yaseppochi opened this issue · 0 comments

Bottom line up front: if Maxima-Jupyter fails mysteriously after "port upgrade sbcl" (and perhaps "port upgrade maxima", try "export SBCL_HOME=/opt/local/lib/sbcl/", then reinstall Maxima-Jupyter.

If that fails, read on. Be aware I have no idea what I'm doing.

After upgrading MacPorts, including SBCL to "@2.0.3_0+fancy" and Maxima to "@5.43.2_2+xmaxima", Maxima-Jupyter (git SHA1 256a3aa) failed. As did reinstalling. I tried upgrading Maxima-Jupyter (git SHA1 b944978 == master as of today), similar problems (I guess; Maxima's error messages are less than minimal).
The problem continued with the next upgrades to SBCL ("@2.0.4_0+fancy") and Maxima ("maxima @5.43.2_3+xmaxima"), with both the originally working Maxima-Jupyter and current git master. I managed to get a running Maxima-Jupyter with the following totally cargo-culted changes:

(1) Prepend these lines to ~/.sbclrc:
(load #P"/opt/local/lib/sbcl/contrib/uiop.fasl")
(load #P"/opt/local/lib/sbcl/contrib/asdf.fasl")
(push #P"/opt/local/lib/sbcl/contrib/" asdf:*central-registry*)
(2) Remove ~/quicklisp/asdf.lisp and the corresponding FASLs from below ~/quicklisp/cache/asdf-fasls (as suggested in #67).
(3) Reinstall Maxima-Jupyter with "SBCL_HOME=/opt/local/lib/sbcl/ maxima" (note trailing / and this is NOT .../contrib), and then load("load-maxima-jupyter.lisp").
(4) Run "SBCL_HOME=/opt/local/lib/sbcl/ jupyter-3.8 notebook".

I'm guessing that just setting SBCL_HOME as above would have worked, but (1-4) is what I actually have.

I am really tired so I'm not going to try the obvious experiments of removing the lines in (1), restoring Quicklisp's ASDF in (2) and doing (3) and (4) again right now (and probably not at all ;-).

Thanks to jkiiski and Ehvince who answered, which gave me the idea of trying SBCL_HOME (which I definitely did not need with earlier versions of SBCL).