
Maxima with Anaconda

Gabrielj96 opened this issue · 6 comments

I have installed Maxima packages in Anaconda, but I don't know how to run it with Jupyter Notebook. Can you help me?


Captura de tela de 2020-12-13 17-57-29

In kernel appears only Python 3

Hi Gabriel, thanks for your interest in maxima-jupyter. The installation instructions for maxima-jupyter are a little bit confusing, sorry about that. I've been meaning to try to make it clearer.

It appears you are working on a Linux system, is that correct? If so, my advice is to remove the existing Maxima installation which was installed by Anaconda, and instead build Maxima from source code, using SBCL. You will need to install SBCL first, then obtain a maxima tar.gz from the Sourceforge download page, then build and install Maxima via the usual commands:

$ ./configure --enable-sbcl
$ make
$ make install

At that point you need to follow the instructions in the readme for maxima-jupyter to create an image containing maxima-jupyter, and configure Jupyter to use that image. Can you please try installing SBCL and Maxima as I mentioned, and let me know how it turns out, and we can go from there.

Okay, now I have Maxima SBCL.


I download maxima-jupyter folder from github but what I do with this folder?

Before we go farther, what is the output from entering

:lisp (require "asdf")

at the input prompt in Maxima?

OK, good, it appears that Maxima can load ASDF, which is required for maxima-jupyter.

Due to time constraints, I can't go into details about installing maxima-jupyter right now. However, the general outline of what I want to recommend to you is to follow the instructions in the as follows:

(1) install Quicklisp if it is not already installed. See:
(2) install Jupyter if it is not already installed. Example: python3 -m pip install jupyter
(3) Follow instructions in "Method 1. Maxima-Jupyter binary executable installation (Old Method)"

Hope this helps. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful at this time.

I got the exact same error:

compilation unit aborted caught 1 fatal ERROR condition

For me, the problem was QuickLisp wasn't properly installed.
(I had mistakenly installed it as a Ubuntu deb package)

Install QuickLisp manually as specified on the Quicklisp site:

curl -O
sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp
* (quicklisp-quickstart:install)
* (ql:add-to-init-file)

Run the commands from the maxima-jupyter


Maxima is working now in Jupyter Notebooks. Many thanks for this great utility.